RNA - "There is no other way than maintaining unity of Muslims," Velayati said.
The senior Iranian official underlined that the enemies are trying to weaken the Muslim states.
In relevant remarks in mid-November, Velayati said the Western states, some Arab countries and Israel have established a coalition to weaken and disintegrate the Muslim nations.
"The policy of the western, Hebrew (Israeli) and Arab coalition is annihilating the humanitarian, financial, logistic, infrastructural and ideological power and capacities of the resistance front and weakening and disintegrating the Islamic states to provide security for the Zionist regime and continue domination of the global usurpers over Muslim resources and wealth more than the past," Velayati said.
According to Fars News Agancy, he described establishment of security for Israel as the strategic priority of the US in West Asia and the main pivot of all policies against the resistance front.