He said the resolution had been adopted by some governments, whom themselves were “the biggest violators of human rights in their own country and other countries.”
According to Press TV, the resolution, the official said, had been adopted while “ignoring the realities inside Iran and based on a selective, discriminatory, ill-intentioned, and politically-charged attitude.”
Such a trend would compromise the international community’s trust in international mechanisms and their efficacy, he added.
In contrast with such measures, the country lends credit to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which would assess all countries without discrimination, Qassemi said.
Tehran’s constructive and active participation in the process reflected the Islamic Republic’s seriousness in enhancing human rights and acting on its international commitments in the area, he concluded.
The UN General Assembly’s Human Rights Committee adopted the resolution on Thursday, finding fault with Iran’s human rights performance in many areas, including Iran’s use of detention and death penalty, level of various freedoms inside the country, and its treatment of women.