RNA - In the mourning ceremony for Imam Raza (A.S), the 8th Imam of Shia, Hujjat al-Islam Rezaii one of the Qom seminary clerics mentioned the Imam`s advices to Abd al-Azim Hasani.
“Say my regards to my followers and tell them not to open a way for Satan in their hearts” Imam Reza (A.S) advised Abd al-Azim Hasani, “Call them (Shiites) for being trustworthy in talks, honesty, meaningful silence and leaving the quarrels and disputes on futile and vain issues.”
“Call the Shiites on kindness to kinships and relatives and invite them to friendship and warm relations among them as that ease approaching to God, Me and other friends of Allah”, Imam Reza (A.S) told Abd al-Azim Hasani.
“Our friends should not waste their precious opportunities and priceless times in their lives”, Imam (A.S) warned, “I promised myself to ask God the most painful punishment in Mundane World for whom do as such or get furious at my friends. Such people will be in incommodity in Hereafter.”
“Tell them (Shiites) that Allah (SWT) will forgive the benefactor and sinful of them except idolaters and who annoy our friends or have grudge upon them. Allah (SWT) will forgive all but never shows his mercy toward that three groups unless they retreat their thoughts and if so, will be forgiven but if continue their sins, Allah (SWT) will evict the belief soul from them and they also will be deprived of our love (love to Ahl al-Bait, relatives of Prophet Muhammad PBH). I take refuge in God from these slips” in other part of the letter to Abd al-Azim Hassani, Imam Reza (A.S) advised Shiites.
Alī ibn Mūsā ar-Riḍā (Arabic: علي ابن موسى الرّضا), also called Abu al-Hasan, Ali al-Reza (c. 29 December 765 – 23 August 818) is the eighth Shi'ite Imam. He lived during Abbasid caliphs. When Abbasid caliph Al-Ma'mun saw that the Imam gained popularity, he decided to poison him. The Imam was buried at the Imam Reza shrine in a village in Khorasan, which afterwards gained the name Mashhad, meaning the place of martyrdom.
Abl al-Azim al-Hasani is among those scholars who are from the progeny of the second Imam of Shia Islam, Hasan ibn Ali. He was a hadith transmitter.