Service :
01 November 2018 - 12:28
News ID: 441299
Rasa - The United States has been playing a key role in commanding Saudi Arabia in an unbalanced war against the impoverished Yemeni people, says a commentator.

RNA - On Tuesday, American officials called for a ceasefire in Yemen and demanded that the sides to the conflict come to the negotiating table within a month.


Hadi Kobaysi, political analyst, said on Wednesday that “they (the US authorities) have the command of this war. They can ask the Saudis to stop” the conflict.


According to Press TV, Kobaysi said that “they (Americans) want to stop this war because the cost of the war till now is 300 billion dollars,” and “if the Saudis keep paying money for this war, they can’t pay for [US President Donald] Trump.


So, the reason that the US administration is calling for a ceasefire in Yemen has nothing to do with “humanity or ethical reason,” the analyst argued.



Tags: Yemen Saudi
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