RNA - "Our Armed Forces enjoy highly good defensive and offensive power and the Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys the most powerful military power in the region," Rahim Safavi said in Tehran on Wednesday.
He stressed that Iran's deterrence power dissuades the enemies, including the Americans and the Zionists, from launching a military war against Iran, and said they cannot bear the large number of the casualties that they know they would sustain in the first week of any possible battle.
Rahim Safavi also said that the US military men are wiser than the country's politicians, specially the current US president, and are well aware of the high costs and tolls of any war against Iran.
Iran has in recent years reinvigorated its defense power by producing different arms, missiles and military equipment.
In relevant remarks in January, IRGC Deputy Commander for Political Affairs Brigadier General Rasoul Sanayee Raad underlined Iran's high deterrence power, adding that the enemies no more thought of military option against the country.
"Iran's military deterrence power is unique and this deterrence power caused the aggressors to forget about any military attack against Iran," General Sanayee Raad said, addressing a ceremony in the Northeastern province of Zanjan.
He noted that the US was mulling military aggression against Iran in 2001 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan showed this intention, and said the US experienced such a defeat in these countries as well as in the proxy war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon that it forgot any military war against Iran.