RNA - The analyst’s comments came after US special envoy for Iran Brian Hook said the United States seeks a treaty with Iran ahead of the next week's United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York.
“These conceptual distinctions between an executive agreement and a treaty is hair-splitting nonsense. The fact is that the US has a history of reneging on its obligations and [US President Donald] Trump has taken that to furthest extreme and now is isolated internationally … Trump has explicitly considered the fact that it has no major ally in the international community when it comes to Iran because the rest of the world see the values and the merits of that agreement that Iran has fully complied with,” Kaveh Afrasiabi said in an interview on Thursday.
“So the United States is really dealing with a gaping self-wound and has to find alternative rationalizations and reasoning in order to retract itself in line with international law and United Nations principles,” he added.
President Trump withdrew Washington in May from the landmark nuclear agreement reached between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries in 2015, and decided to re-impose unilateral sanctions against Tehran.
Under the deal, Iran undertook to put limits on its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of nuclear-related sanctions.
Source: Press TV