Qatari Paper:
Rasa - The UAE is still supporting the ISIL terrorists in Iraq under the cover of funding reconstruction of al-Nuri great mosque in Basra, a Qatari paper reported.

RNA - The Arabic-language al-Raya newspaper reported on Sunday that the UAE continues its multi-million-dollar financial and arms support to the terrorist groups in Iraq despite claims that it has allocated the same amount of money to a project to rebuild al-Nuri mosque.
The Qatari daily added that the UAE and Saudi Arabia both pursue destructive policies in Iraq.
The UAE announced that it will fund the rebuilding of the Great Mosque of al-Nuri, which was last year destroyed by the ISIL in the Northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
Abu Dhabi is known as one of the countries which has supplied the ISIL terrorists in Iraq and Syria with weapons and money along with Saudi Arabia.
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