17 September 2018 - 15:10
News ID: 439575
Rasa - Having dodged a bullet in avoiding fresh United Nations attempts to face justice in The Hague, the Saudis clearly haven’t learned anything, as they continue to target civilians in Yemen.

RNA - This Thursday, Saudi warplanes attacked a bus station in the port city of Hodeida, killing at least 20 civilians, mostly children.


Saudi forces have carried out multiple attacks against Hodeida in recent days, trying to attack and capture the vital aid port. Yet as has often been a problem with Saudi airstrikes, their targeting seems haphazard, and as always to deliberately hit a bus depot full of civilians waiting to evacuate.


That’s not all. Sadly, food water and medical supplies are running low in the besieged nation of Yemen and it is deliberate too.


The US-backed, Saudi-led bombardment and siege has bred a profound humanitarian crisis, marked by thousands of civilian deaths and worsening food and water shortages. The invaders have blocked almost all food and medical aid from getting in, while bombing public infrastructure.


With a deplorable human rights record, the despotic regime and its partners have all become the War Part. They have the US support to target Ansarullah, a resistance group that has had more success at fighting Al-Qaeda in the last year than the US and its drones have had in the last decade.


They target civilian infrastructure, including markets, schools, medical facilities, power plants and warehouses. They also target food supply buildings with an influx of bombs and hellfire missiles. This is while some 16 million out of 25 million people were already in need of humanitarian assistance before the war began.


It is precisely here that the international civil society should intervene and denounce this post-colonialist and imperialist arrangement of the region. It is being waged by wealthy and despotic regimes for regional domination at the expense of the Yemeni people.


According to Fars News Aganc the warmongers make lies sound truthful and murder respectable. They dream of shock-and-awing the Middle East into the shape they want, settling into Yemen for the long haul, dominating the region in geopolitical and energy terms, and ensuring that no nation or bloc of nations would ever challenge their unholy agenda.


No surprise then that the mindset of invasion by the House of Saud has the blessing of certain submissive international organizations too. Rather than calling for a ceasefire and dialogue, the UN Security Council is supporting a chaotic state of affairs that will, beyond anything else, make sure that Yemen remains a failed state and a fertile ground for terrorist groups.


The unprovoked war by the Saudis, with full-hearted support of their deranged and blood-drenched allies, is a great test for the conscience of the world. Bombing a poor country’s infrastructure, murdering and starving its defenseless civilians, blockading its ports, and hobbling its struggling economy are hardly ways of ensuring security for the Arab rentier states.


The world community must stop this criminal campaign and its own political correctness. The world must recognize that the illegal war and the futile siege of the poorest nation in the Middle East is a form of collective punishment that violates Geneva Conventions.



Tags: Yemen Saudi
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