07 September 2018 - 22:01
News ID: 439431
Rasa - The US has a number of arrows in its quiver that are used to destabilize nations which resist its hegemony. Its ultimate goal is to either impose regime change, installing a Quisling government that will comply with its wishes, or destroy them as viable nations, becoming failed states as in Libya.
US Pres. Iranophobic approach

RNA - The US has a number of arrows in its quiver that are used to destabilize nations which resist its hegemony. Its ultimate goal is to either impose regime change, installing a Quisling government that will comply with its wishes, or destroy them as viable nations, becoming failed states as in Libya.


The US has vast experience in applying a variety of tactics to accomplish its mission of full spectrum dominance. In order to prepare the ground the US engages in prolonged campaigns disseminating disinformation. In conjunction with the spread of propaganda against the targeted country the US cultivates an internal 5th column that serves as an echo chamber amplifying the message concocted by the CIA and promulgated by the subservient Western media.


This is facilitated by the second arrow in the US imperialist quiver, economic warfare. Since the US has set the rules for international commerce and finance it has inordinate control over the circulation of the funds needed to conduct business between nations. It uses this control to impose sanctions and other penalties on countries it wants to destabilize.


The third arrow in the US imperialist quiver is military encirclement and bullying, meant to force nations to expend scarce resources on self-defense. In conjunction with external pressure the US uses proxy forces to create internal conflict via terrorism and separatism.


In order to accomplish its goals the US relies on forces in the region that it is aligned with to help implement its policy of maximum pressure on any nation that stands in its way.


The above tactics have been played out innumerable times in all regions of the world, with many successes and some failures. The successes are the result of using a combination of all the above mentioned tactics in a coordinated effort to isolate and marginalize the nations under attack. The US would rather succeed without direct military intervention, but when all other attempts fail to dislodge the government it has targeted invasion and occupation have been repeatedly used.


The US has failed when it is faced with resolute resistance. In order to meet the challenge nations must have the resolve to accept economic sacrifices and social stigma. They will be accused of “human rights” violations when actions are taken to quell internal dissent fomented by foreign agents. The people of the targeted nations will have to accept economic deprivation as a result of illegal US sanctions. They must be prepared to face internal conflicts as the US unleashes terrorists and separatist forces to create domestic chaos and they must be prepared to combat external aggression from the US or its surrogates.


In order to combat the US targeted nations must seek support and unity. In today’s world the US is using all the elements of imperialist aggression discussed above against nations which refuse to buckle under to US hegemony and domination. These nations include Russia, China and a number of other smaller countries like Venezuela and Nicaragua. Many other nations such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria have already fallen to the depredations of US imperialism and are either failed states or struggling to survive.


It is only by standing firm and uniting in opposition to US aggression that nations like Iran can confront and defeat the machinations of US imperialism. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, leader of the Islamic Revolution, clearly understands the threat that Iran is faced with and is rallying the nation to combat it. The resolve of the Iranian people and the support of friendly nations such as Russia and China will surely defeat the plans of the US to trample on Iran’s sovereignty and independence.


Dennis Etler



Tags: US Iran Trump
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