RNA – Speaking at a ceremony commemorating the martyrs of the southern Lebanese village of Shaqra, Hujjat al-Islam Ali al-Da’moush, the deputy chairman of the Executive Council of Hezbollah, stated, “Today, the Islamic Resistance has provided Lebanon with an ‘umbrella of security’ due to the sacrifices of the martyrs and also has a share in the defeat of the American project in the region.”
The Lebanese Shi’ah cleric said that with the end of the war in Syrian is reaching its end, the Middle East is entering a new stage and the purpose of the threats by the United States and European powers to launch a military strike against Syria are attempts to complicate the battle of Idlib and stressed, “They want to expand the scope of the war to prevent any military action by the Syrian Arab Army and its allies to destroy the Takfiri terrorist groups operating in the country and return Idlib to the control of the Syrian government.”
Hujjat al-Islam al-Da’moush said that the operation to liberate Idlib will be the last stage in the war in Syria because it’s the last refuge of the Takfiri terrorist groups and if the Syrian army and its allies succeed in liberating Idlib, many political and strategic consequences will benefit the Islamic Resistance Axis.
His Eminence stressed that the liberation of Idlib will be a severe defeat for the West, the United States, the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia as they would lose their main bargaining chip in the political talks and the imposition of conditions and dictates and will close the path towards their ability to fulfill their goals in Syria.
“They will also be deprived of achieving their political and economic demands in Syria and if an agreement is reached between the Syrian government and the Kurds, the United States will be recognized as an occupier in Syria,” he said.
Hujjat al-Islam al-Da’moush continued, “The target of the Western and American rumours over the Syrian army’s intention to use chemical weapons, their exaggeration of the human dimension and intimidation of a humanitarian disaster is not to support civilians but rather they want to justify direct American, French and British intervention in the battle of Idlib to support terrorist groups and try to achieve some economic and political gains.”
In conclusion, the senior member of Hezbollah stressed that the end of the Syrian war will be in the interest of Syria because stabilizing Syria and destroying the terrorist groups in Idlib and other cities would contribute to strengthening the political, security and economic stability in Lebanon. The Lebanese people must also establish a new government as soon as possible and re-establish their relations with Syria.
For months, Syria has been planning a decisive operation to purge terrorists from Idlib, the last of its provinces that still remain under the control of militants.
The government has been accused of attacking civilians with chemicals in previous operations, including in Douma near Damascus and in Khan Shaykhun, in Idlib. Syrian authorities have denied any involvement in the two cases, saying the attacks had been carried out by militants to slow Syria’s progress in the fight against terror.
Syria and its allies, including Russia, believe a similar scenario could be staged in Idlib.
Rasa News Agency