RNA – Although some of the companions and members of Lebanon’s Amal Movement, such as Khalil Hamdan, consider the removal of the deprivation and opposition to the aggression of the Zionist regime as the two main programs of Imam al-Sadr after his arrival in Lebanon, but, Hujjat al-Islam Ebrahimi considered these two programs, along with other programs of this great scholar, such as the giving of identity and raising status of the Shi’ah among his programs. Therefore, the restriction of the programs of Imam al-Sadr to deprivation and confrontation against the Zionist regime by those who studied and reviewed the various biographies and dimensions of the thought of Imam Musa al-Sadr is oppression to his right and disregards his efforts in various fields.
Concerning the first discussion – deprivation, it must be said that Imam al-Sadr called the fight against deprivation as the duty of the state. Therefore, in his meetings with relevant politicians and authorities and in his speeches, he repeatedly called on them to engage in generous efforts to help the disadvantaged but just as expected, there was no one in the government to hear his compassionate advice.
In the early months of his stay in Lebanon, Imam al-Sadr travelled throughout the whole country to become familiar with the problems, deprivation and backwardness of the people of that country at that time and to understand its economic and cultural capacities.
The closure and lack of use of all the capacities of charitable foundations, the prevalence of the phenomenon of begging and unemployment were three illnesses that Imam al-Sadr, as a physician, was able to treat. That discussion of its implementation requires a lot of writing that Hujjat al-Islam Ebrahimi will mention in other articles.
But the important point of this is the vitality of Imam al-Sadr’s thinking. In the present era, there is much poverty and deprivation seen in the Islamic and Arab countries. Relying on the thoughts of Imam al-Sadr means that we also go beyond slogans, memories and books and in practice and in accordance with existing facts such as this great person, at first, we identify the disease and by using the path of different treatments, we overcome the black cloud of poverty and backwardness which overshadows Arab and Islamic countries.
The desire of the enemies, such as the United States and the Zionist occupation regime and the arrogant countries, is the backwardness, poverty and deprivation of Muslims and countries of the region. On this basis, they will implement and execute various plans for their projects. The scholars of Islam and Muslims must be vigilant about these conspiracies and like Imam Musa al-Sadr, thwart the evil plots of the enemies. If this occurs, we can say that we have resorted to the thoughts of Imam al-Sadr and we have paid tribute to his vibrant thoughts.
Rasa News Agency