RNA - In the past, the US State Department had long black-listed the MEK as a terrorist group. But the death cult spent on advocacy from US officials that eventually got them taken off the banned list in 2012, though they are often still described as a terrorist entity and in very critical terms in the West.
At this year’s conference, nonetheless, well paid guest speaker Giuliani predicted the end of the Iranian government, and declared it “must be replaced by the democratic government which Madam Rajavi represents.” Rajavi is the MEK’s ringleader. Giuliani predicted that next year the MEK conference would be in Tehran!
Few points are worth mentioning in this respect:
1- This kind of naïve prediction has been going on for years and decades in Washington. Last year, National Security Advisor John Bolton addressed the previous conference and similarly predicted that the Iranian government would be “wiped out by 2019”. These pledges to install the MEK within the next year fit neatly with the increasing Trump administration interest in collapsing Iran’s legitimate government through sanctions, and the belief among top US officials and neocon circles that this could be done quickly and easily.
2- As is customary, some demonstrations and attacks on the state anywhere in the world are planned and go together by outside powers, and Iran is not an exception. There is nothing "peaceful" in demonstrations that are only the public-relations cover for attacks on Iran. US foreign politicians and media always utter "concerns" and threats over completely normal government responses to protests in Iran. It is a scam to justify American "support" for the demonstrators and to further the violence and destabilisation campaign in order to pave the way for violent regime change at a later time – the kind of thing that happened in Libya and Syria.
3- The US seeks to "regime change" the legitimate government of Iran by terror proxy groups like MEK. Should the government resist to that the alternative of destroying the Iranian state and the whole society is also wholeheartedly accepted. We have seen similar CIA operations in Ukraine, and most recently in Libya, Syria and Yemen. The US is trying to use same concept to isolate, attack and regime change Iran. For instance, last December peaceful economic protests were hijacked by US proxies and violent elements in Iran. Last week a similar attempt occurred during mostly peaceful guild-related protest in Tehran’s Grand Bazaar over the decline of national currency value against the US dollar, which went nowhere.
4- In the past, military relations between the US and the MEK were kept as a secret. Now the US is using openly in Iran its militant operatives of the MEK, a terror cult that has been fighting with Saddam's Iraq against Iran and is despised by the Iranian people. When the US was kicked out of Iraq it transferred the MEK camps from Iraq to Albania where the cult is now training its terrorists. Last year, MEK helped the ISIL terrorists to infiltrate the Iranian border to carry out the attacks on Iran’s parliament and Imam Khomeini’s Mausoleum in Tehran in which dozens of people were killed and wounded. The world condemned the attacks and expressed solidarity with the Iranian people – except for the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
5- The truth is, the MEK, just like ISIL and Al-Qaeda, is just a front group, trained by Mossad and CIA and financed with US and Saudi money. It is not backed by Iranian people. Not every person attending the MEK conference on Saturday was Iranian. Reports suggest, more than half consisted of an assortment of Poles, Czechs, Slovakians, Germans and Middle Eastern refugees who responded to a Facebook campaign by MEK promising travel, food and accommodation to Paris for a mere €25.
6- The US is free to use the so-called "colour revolution by force" regime change protests to destroy Iran. The only problem is that this time there are no Poles, Czechs, Slovakians, Germans or Middle Eastern refugees to respond to this silly campaign on Facebook. A country that wants to end all oil exports from Iran to get people into the streets for its “colour revolution by force” regime change, is only fooling itself. Making Iranians hungry and poor is no more than a dream and will not lead to an uprising and regime change. It didn’t work in the past and it won’t work now. Despite the illegal US sanctions, threats, restrictions and economic hardships, the Islamic Republic is quite strong and enjoys popular support. This kind of unity and resolve has always destroyed Washington’s anti-Iran policies in the long run and this time is no exception.
The conclusion should be obvious to all by now. Regime change in Iran is not just a Trump administration project. Surely, the support for the MEK terrorists is also strong both in Israel and Saudi Arabia. They also sent their representatives to the MEK conference in Paris, and they also aid and abet Washington’s hopeless sanctions and terror attacks in Iran.
This kind of consensus has already led to the foreign policy disaster of the failed US-led wars on Iraq, Syria and Yemen. The regime changers can use terror proxies all they want, including MEK, Al-Qaeda and ISIL. For what it’s worth, however, in Iran, which is stronger, has a quite vast and complicated economy, effective forces and very significant allies, their desperate regime change campaign will equally go nowhere.