RNA - "The Zionist regime is threatening the international peace and security with its huge chemical, biological and nuclear weapons stockpiles," the Iranian Defense Minister said.
Brigadier General Hatami underlined that after two decades of the establishment of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) the world is still facing threats to security and peace.
The Iranian Defense Minister also pointed to the US threats against the international community, and said, "After 11 years, the US has not abided by its promises to get rid of its chemical weapons stockpiles."
He further criticized the politicization of the international organizations tasked with chemical weapons disarmament, and said, "Transforming a disarmament organization into a security and political body will lead to its failure."
In relevant remarks on Thursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of former Iraqi dictator Saddam's chemical attack against Iran's Northwestern city of Sardasht, blasted the US and Israel for preventing creation of a region free of Weapons of Mass-Destruction (WMDs).
"The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the biggest victim of chemical weapons, condemns again use of WMDs, including chemical weapons, in any place, by anyone and in any conditions," Zarif said.
He said that the US has so far avoided implementation of its undertakings based on the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, adding that Iran along with other members of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) wants the US to destroy its chemical weapons completely and irreversibly.
Zarif underlined that the two aggressive and infamous US and Israeli regimes should account for the continued existence of chemical weapons for their opposition to creation of a region free of WMDs.
"The destruction of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of the Zionist regime, as the biggest threat against the regional and international security, should be guaranteed through coordinated pressures by the international community," he said.
Iran has always stressed the urgent need for the dismantlement of the WMDs, including chemical weapons, as it has been a victim of such weapons.
Tens of thousands of Iranians were killed and wounded by chemical weapons during the 1980-1988 Iraqi imposed war on Iran. Around 100,000 Iranians are still living with the effects, which include long-term respiratory problems, eye and skin problems as well as immune system disorders, psychological disorders, genetic disorders, and probably cancers.
Sardasht is a city in Northwestern Iran. According to the 2006 census, its population was 37,000. It lies in the West Azarbaijan province. It was the first city in which civilians were attacked with chemical weapons by former Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein during the imposed Iraqi war on Iran.
According to Fars News Agancy, the population of Sardasht is Kurdish. Sardasht is also known for the many villages around it and their reliability on the city's market.
On June 28, 1987, Iraqi aircraft dropped what Iranian authorities believed to be mustard gas bombs on Sardasht, in two separate bombing runs on four residential areas.
Sardasht was the first town in the world to be gassed. Out of a population of 20,000, 25% are still suffering severe illnesses from the attacks.