RNA - The Syrian army's operations command center announced in a statement on Thursday that its forces have been able to retake control of the entire Badiyeh region in Deir Ezzur in military operations also backed by the air force.
Meantime, the Syrian army continued its military advances in other parts of Syria over past 24 hours.
Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more were injured during the Syrian army's operations in provinces across Syria.
Deir Ezzur
The Syrian army fully cleansed Badiyeh of Deir Ezzur of the remnants of the ISIL terrorists in an operation in the Southeastern parts of the province, regaining control over 5,800 sq/km of territory.
The Syrian army's operations command center announced in a statement on Thursday that its forces have been able to retake control of the entire Badiyeh region in Deir Ezzur in military operations also backed by the air force.
It added that the army units have won back control of 5,800 sq/km of the country's soil after heavy clashes with the terrorists and inflicting heavy losses and damages on them.
The Syrian army has fully purged the terrorists from regions in Eastern Homs and Badiyeh of Deir Ezzur to the borders with Iraq.
The Syrian army forces reached areas near the strategic town of al-Harak after advancing in Eastern Dara'a and winning control of several terrorist-occupied regions.
The army units continued to advance in Eastern Dara'a on Thursday, gaining control of the town of Nahetah and Sama al-Hanidat region.
Field sources reported that the army troops have advanced in regions near al-Harak in Eastern Dara'a, and said that they are now busy with cutting the terrorists' supply lines in the region.
They added that the militants have been forced to retreat from their positions in al-Harak as the Syrian army forces are on the verge of surrounding the town.
Meantime, a field source said that the army has pounded the terrorists' positions in Dara'a al-Balad with artillery and missile fire, adding that the army forces intend to cut the terrorists' supply lines in Eastern and Western Dara'a by seizing control of the militants' air defense in the South.
Hundreds of civilians staged protest rallies in Idlib as infighting among the terrorist groups and their assassination operations against each other have widely increased insecurity in the province.
Local sources in Idlib reported that over 500 civilians poured to the streets in Idlib city in Northern Syria on Thursday to protest at the terrorist groups' acts and severe insecurities in the region.
Meantime, sources reported that a field commander of Faylaq al-Sham terrorist group, affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA), named Abdollah Batal, was killed after a bomb was detonated in his car between the villages of Arab Saeed and Mourin in Western Idlib.
Reports also said that heavy clashes have erupted between unknown assailants and security forces affiliated to Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) in the Central hospital of Idlib.
Also, a bomb went off in the town of al-Dana in Northern Idlib. There has been no report on the number of casualties and no one has claimed responsibility for explosion yet.
The Syrian army forces repulsed the terrorists' offensive against their positions in Eastern Quneitra.
According to Fars News Agancy, the army units engaged in heavy clashes with the militants on Thursday morning after the latter attacked their positions in regions near the village of Joba in Eastern Quneitra through Joba-Um Batenah road.
The army's artillery and missile units also targeted the terrorists' positions in the village of Um Batenah in Quneitra with precise attacks, killing a number of terrorists.
Field sources also reported that the army forces warded off the terrorists' offensives after killing a large number of them and destroying their weapons and military equipment.
Meantime, the Syrian army troops forced other militants to flee to their positions in the village of al-Hamidiyeh in Queitra which is under occupation of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at.