RNA - Ali Akbar Velayati put forward several offers to respond to the US move at a meeting in the Iranian capital Tehran on Wednesday.
The first proposal, Velayati said, was to produce uranium hexafluoride (UF6), saying, “We can produce UF6, which turns into gas at 70° C and can rotate centrifuges for enrichment.”
Velayati’s second offer was to accelerate the use of powerful nuclear engines for ships and submarines and the production of stable isotopes.
“One of the features of these engines is that a submarine with such an engine can remain under water for two years, while with other fuels it needs to come out of water every few days to refuel,” he said.
These proposals, while being capable of responding to US breaches, do not seem to violate the JCPOA, the former foreign minister said, noting, “We can produce sustainable isotopes that show our strength but are not meant for weapons.”
He said that the next proposal was to strengthen nuclear power by using carbon fibers in the industry.
“If we want to employ IR6 and IR8 (centrifuges), it will not be possible through using conventional metals, but we should use carbon fibers which have very good industrial use. At the same time, officials should pursue research related to the new generation of centrifuges, and meet the needs of the country regarding [uranium production and enrichment to] 190,000 SWU (separative work units) that the Leader has emphasized. In this regard, it is necessary to work on IR6 and IR8 centrifuges,” he said.
Velayati, who is a member of a national Iranian board supervising the implementation of the JCPOA, said another option to counter US breaches was to adopt a strategic approach towards interaction with the Eastern bloc.
The final proposal put forward by Velayati was to boost the country’s missile might as well as its regional power. He also said that nuclear capabilities must be promoted in areas that have no restrictions under the JCPOA. He also said that the continuation of negotiations should be based on the conditions set out by the Leader, and Europeans must guarantee that they buy Iran’s oil and that issues over banking transactions are resolved.
Trump announced on May 8 that Washington was walking away from the nuclear agreement, which was reached between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - the US, Britain, France, Russia and China - plus Germany.
Trump also said he would reinstate US nuclear sanctions on Iran and impose "the highest level" of economic bans on the Islamic Republic.
According to Press TV, Ayatollah Khamenei on May 23 set out conditions for Tehran to stay in the nuclear deal with world powers, including steps by European banks to safeguard trade with Tehran after the US withdrawal from the agreement.
The Leader added that European powers must protect Iranian oil sales from US pressure and continue buying Iranian crude, and must promise they would not seek new negotiations on Iran's missile program and regional activities.
He also called on the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran "to be ready" to restart nuclear activities "if necessary and in case the JCPOA proves to be useless."