RNA - Trump announced on Tuesday -- days before a May 12 deadline -- that he was pulling the US out of the nuclear agreement, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JPCOA), which was negotiated and signed by his predecessor, Barack Obama.
In a televised speech from the White House, Trump also said that he would reinstate nuclear sanctions on Iran. “We will be instituting the highest level of economic sanctions."
Trump’s decision risked alienating America’s European allies who warned the administration that the JPCOA was a multilateral pact that could not be terminated by only one party. It also raised the prospect of another conflict in the Middle East, they warned.
Hoenig said, “For many people, impeachment was the cry of so many Democratic Party partisans who were so outraged that their candidate lost to such a buffoon. None of them really looked at the consequences (Pence as President) but only saw vengeance. Yes, he likely committed a whole range of crimes and eventually the courts might rule against him. And, as former President Ford once said, impeachment is a political act.”
“Up until now all talks of impeachment have been one sided. However, his call to withdraw from the world scene and withdraw from the Iran deal has gone beyond the pale. This action, including the potential of war with Iran, is the action of a madman. Regardless of his view that the deal was imperfect, that it was Obama’s legacy, that it exemplifies American exceptionalism, this action jeopardizes world peace, as fragile as it is now,” he added in an interview with Press TV.
“In a few weeks, he is to meet with Kim Jong-un to discuss denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. Who in their right mind would trust any word of an American president, now or in the future, with any potential deal? By pulling out of the agreement with Iran, negotiated by many powerful partners, Trump has instantly killed all credibility the US government yields,” he stated.
“In a few weeks President Trump will inflame the Middle East even more by attending the ceremony moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (al-Quds). This is another example of the US showing itself up for its arrogance and mindless understanding of conditions on the ground,” the analyst said.
“By pulling out of the Iran deal, he’s virtually giving a green light to Israel and Saudi Arabia to explode the region for very short term gains, and creating a rogue nation status for the US,” he concluded.