RNA - This is not the first time that war-party Washington and fakestream media in particular have erased US responsibility for Libya’s travails. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen are also in ruins and it doesn’t take a strategic mind to find out how they got that way.
One thing that’s not conveyed via any medium in the West, though: Seven years ago, the United States and its allies used military force to overthrow Libya’s government. The country has been in almost continual civil war since then, which you would think would be crucial in explaining how the country came to that.
The thing is, the real fight didn’t begin for freedom and democracy, when the US and NATO added their overwhelming military might to a rebel uprising against Gadhafi. The motivation of the US-led coalition and militants was to topple the anti-West Libyan government and do what they do best: turn Libya into a failed state. That shouldn’t be forgotten - like the US destroying the governments of Iraq, Syria and Yemen and leaving their nations to be fought over by warlords, foreign-backed terrorist groups, separatists, and Takfiri-Wahhabi extremists.
Conversely, this is not the first time US media, or those in Europe in particular, have erased Western responsibility for Libya’s travails. Libya, that unfortunate country, has now seen the return of slave markets; and no one’s acknowledging the fact that the resurgence of slavery is connected to the chaos following the downfall of Gadhafi. No political leader in the West also brings himself or herself to remind their people that their own governments helped bring about that downfall.
The same is true in Syria and Yemen. Western governments and mainstream media outlets are in no mood to acknowledge the roots of devastating violence in these two war-torn countries, and fail so utterly to take the overwhelming role of Washington-NATO interventions into account.
The world is equally left wondering what the warmongering hordes do intend to offer as an explanation for going after the destruction of other independent nations in the region on the pretext of fighting terrorism. This Christian-Zionist-Saudi coalition is even pressing for war against Iran and Russia. A great propaganda hue and cry against the purported dangers of Iran and Russia is being raised in the US and Europe as well.
Israel is even moving to repeat its triumph in 2003 when the Bush administration, US partisans of Israel, and dishonest US media pushed the nation into a war of pure aggression against Iraq. Israel emerged the victor from this unprovoked war and is trying to repeat its success again with Iran. But Iran is not Iraq and its forces did prove just that in both Iraq and Syria when they helped the central governments to wipe out ISIL militants. Meaning, there will be no victory for Israel here, but the result will be true global war without end.
Still that hasn’t stopped both Trump and Netanyahu from painting Iran “as the most dangerous terrorist state in the world,” all because the Islamic Republic doesn’t want to take chances by surrendering its security perimeter i.e., missiles. That said, it wasn’t the Iranian government that illegally cost over one million Iraqi civilian lives and blew that country apart. Also, it wasn’t Iran which turned Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Libya into failed states, made millions of people homeless and refugees, and paved the way for emergence of ISIL and its medieval caliphate in the Levant.
All of the above should be a wakeup call for the international civil society and the United Nations to exercise their sphere of influence and actually do something before things get out of hand and pave the way for true global war without end. After all, the warmongering hordes are also targeting Russia in numerous ways.
According to Fars News Agancy, the world has memories, and the world knows who is the aggressor here. Unlike America’s many invasions and military incursions in alliance with NATO, Israel and Saudi Arabia, Iran has not invaded any country for over 250 years. Iraq’s dictator invaded Iran in 1980, with US backing, costing Iran an estimated 500,000 lives. The world also knows who is pressing who on the Capitol Hill through disinformation campaign to embrace the Saudi-Israeli expanding push for US militarism in the Middle East.
For decades, all this and more have continued apace, and the question at this time is will enough member states at the UN, including those at the Security Council, have the guts to stand up to stop this slide toward another unnecessary conflagration that will likely produce the dreaded nuclear war, humanitarian catastrophe, and blowback on Planet Earth?