RNA - Myles Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview on Thursday while commenting on Trump’s assessment of his presidency.
In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, President Trump gave his work in the White House high marks. "I would give myself an A-plus,” he said.
"Nobody has done what I’ve been able to do," he said during an interview on "Fox & Friends" on Thursday. "And I did it despite the fact that I have a phony cloud over my head that doesn’t exist."
The president then blasted the investigation launched by the Justice Department’s Special Counsel Robert Mueller against him, and also slammed Democrats for losing the presidential election to him.
“One wonders how seriously Trump takes himself. Does he actually believe he’s the Muhammad Ali of the presidents’ world? The greatest? Or, like the master salesman and con man that he is, he knows that it’s 100% hype and only his most loyal subjects would buy the snake oil,” Hoenig said.
“Trump uses hyperbolic language all the time to describe himself. Everything he is and does is the best this country has ever seen or does. The Electoral College gave him the largest win ever. The crowd size of his Inaugural was so awesome, bigger than Obama’s. He’s done more things in his first year than any president- ever,” he added.
“Clearly, all of this must be either delusional or an incredible show that has quickly worn out its novelty. What’s amusing about all of this is that the rest of the world sees through this. Macron of France played the role of Trump’s poodle while here but at the end spoke to the full Congress as one who represented a semblance of sanity that exists outside of the US,” he noted.
“In many ways, with Trump’s narcissism Macron was trying to bring the US back to being the US, not Trump’s world. Regardless of how one views the US with regards to its policies, world leaders, with some exceptions, have a much better grasp of what America is and was and where it’s going. It took de Tocqueville in the 1830’s to define the new United States. Trump’s delusions seem to require others outside to do the same,” the analyst said.
“The American public is split. There is still a strong 30+% who are die-hard Trump supporters and he can’t do any harm. He has Fox and other alt-right media outlets backing him and promoting him. There are other networks that clearly take the anti-Trump side, CNN and MSNBC,” he said.
“We have fake news coming out of both Fox and CNN (as much of what they don’t report as what they do pass off as ‘breaking’ news). And in the White House we have an Apprentice President who is probably correct in thinking that only he can fire himself and he won’t because he’s so awesome,” the commentator concluded.
Source: Press TV