RNA - "We enjoy good relations with some Persian Gulf littoral states, including Oman and even Kuwait and Qatar, but Iran is facing a serious problem in the region, namely Saudi Arabia," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Sunday.
"We have made abundant efforts to normalize ties and spread an atmosphere of balance and wisdom to talk to Saudi Arabia and resolve the problems on the table but unfortunately, Saudi Arabia's continued illusions following the nuclear deal displayed no level of preparedness needed for holding talks and developing an understanding," he added.
The official lamented that Saudi Arabia still continues Iranophobia attempts and endeavors to influence small Arab states to distance them from Tehran despite all peace seeking efforts made by Iran.
In relevant remarks earlier this month, Qassemi blasted Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman for his recent anti-Iran remarks, describing him as a simple-minded illusionist.
"His words are not worth to be replied as he is a simple-minded illusionist who speaks nothing but bitterness and lies,” Qassemi said in reaction to bin Salman's remarks made in an interview with the US CBS news network.
According to Fars News Agancy, he added that bin Salman sees politics and shrewdness in untimely bawdy remarks out of lack of wisdom.
"Iran attaches respect and importance to all its neighboring countries, countries of the world, and other nations, regardless of their area size, military and economic power, and domestic and international reputation," reiterated the Iranian diplomat.
Qassemi underlined that Iran has always sought a powerful, secure, and stable region rather than a powerful country and that’s why the Islamic Republic of Iran compromises with all its neighboring countries and invites them to dialogue, especially those ill-minded obstinate enemies, out of wisdom, benevolence, shrewdness, and rationality which are rooted in experience, knowledge, culture, and civilization and with Islamic World’s expediency, peace, stability, and security of the region and the world in mind.
Bin Salman in an interview with the CBS news channel said Saudi Arabia would take quick steps to develop nuclear bombs if Iran does so.