RNA - "The presence of third party states' warships and fighter jets in the Persian Gulf region has stirred insecurity and damaged the regional countries and people. The Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic do not accept this deployment considering the legal aspects and related treaties," General Rezayee told reporters in Tehran on Wednesday.
"We will pursue the issue legally through the international bodies to prevent possible harms and we will not allow this presence to foment insecurity and fear in the region," he added.
General Rezayee stressed that the problems in the Persian Gulf and the regional states are the result of these illogical moves and interference of third party states in the region, adding, "The illegitimate deployment of the western countries has created problems in Yemen and other regional states."
His remarks came days after Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami in a phone conversation with his Afghan counterpart Tariq Shah Bahrami warned that Washington is implementing plots to transfer the ISIL terrorist group to Afghanistan.
During the conversation on Sunday, General Hatami voiced regret over the death of hundreds of innocent Afghan people in the recent terrorist attacks, stressing, "Iran has always been concerned about foreign plots against the Afghan people."
According to Fars news agancy, he said that the Americans have created the ISIL to use them in Iraq and Syria, and added, "The US attempted to take the ISIL out of the battlefield after its heavy defeats in the two countries and transfer them to Afghanistan to justify its presence in Afghanistan with their shameless crimes."
General Hatami warned that the US is now pursuing plans to increase military forces in Afghanistan, and said establishment of security in Afghanistan is possible only through the regional states' positive approach and use of their common capacities to fight against terrorism.