RNA - In a statement released on Wednesday, Hamas said the US State Department's decision is a "violation of international law, which has given the Palestinian people a right to defend themselves against [Israeli] occupation, and to choose their leaders, Al-Jazeera reported.
"This decision demonstrates the full American bias in favour of the Israeli occupation, and provides an official cover for Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people," the statement added.
Hamas said it calls on the US administration to "reverse" this decision and to stop its "hostile policies.
"This will not deter us from carrying out our duties towards our people and defending them, and liberating our lands and holy sites".
The response from Hamas comes shortly after the US designated Haniya a "global terrorist" on Wednesday.
The US State Department issued a press release saying that Haniya "has close links with Hamas' military wing" and "has been a proponent of armed struggle, including against civilians".
Haniya's placement on the "terror list" means that there will be a travel ban on him, and that any US-based financial assets he may have will be frozen.
There will also be a ban on any US citizen or company from doing business with him.
The US State Department accused Hamas of being involved in attacks that resulted in the killing of 17 Americans since the group's founding in 1987.
In the State Department press release, the US also designated three other armed groups as being "terrorist groups": Harakat al-Sabireen - a Gaza-based armed group, as well as two Egypt-based groups - Liwaa al-Thawra, and Harakat Sawa'd Misr.