Service :
28 December 2017 - 18:50
News ID: 435538
Rasa - Over two dozen Bahraini organizations have called for the prosecution of a “suspicious” delegation that has visited Israel.
The picture taken from social media shows a protest rally against the Israeli regime in a Bahraini village, October 11, 2017.

RNA - In a joint statement released on Wednesday, 25 political and civil societies demanded that the members of the delegation be prosecuted for abandoning the Bahraini national consensus, which rejects normalization with the Tel Aviv regime.


The group went on to affirm their rejection of any manner of normalization of ties with Israel, while calling on all Arab countries to follow suit.


“The Palestinian issue is the central issue of the Arab and Islamic nations and Jerusalem al-Quds is the eternal capital of Palestine...The occupation is oppressive and should be resisted. The United States stands by the occupation against the Palestinian people and is no longer a mediator of the peace process,” it added.


Earlier this month, the delegation visited Israel amid wide spread controversy over the US decision to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s capital.


Bahrain has no formal diplomatic relations with Israel. However, a trickle of Israeli tourists and businessmen have visited the Persian Gulf island of 1.4 million people in recent years.



Tags: Israel Bahrain
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