RNA – In an interview with Reza News Agency, Hasan Hanizadeh, an international affairs analyst and political assistant at the al-Ahwaz World Network, referred to the recent victory of the Islamic Resistance Front over Daesh in the eastern Syrian city of Abu Kamal means the victory of the “Front of Truth” against the “Front of Falsehood” and said, “This victory is not geographically limited to Syria but rather it is considered as the victory of Islam over the disbelievers because Daesh and 130 terrorist groups in Syria were established with long-term goals and support from France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime.”
He argued that the purpose of the formation of Daesh and these 130 terrorist groups was to target the Islamic Resistance Axis, reduce Iran’s influence, to form a government in Syria dependent on the Zionist regime and to remove Hezbollah from the regional equations and added, “After seven years of war in Syria, the Front of the Disbelievers has now tasted defeat but such a failure does not mean the end of Daesh. Although Daesh has apparently been eradicated, the Daesh and Wahhabi ideologies remain a potential danger and a threat to the region and the Islamic world.”
Hanizadeh noted that after the conquest of Daesh, movements are being formed by the Islamic Resistance Axis to plan for the future of the region and said, “The tripartite summit of the presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey in Sochi, Russia demonstrated that these countries want an active presence in the region to prevent the Syrian crisis from recurring in other countries of the region, such as Lebanon.”
The international affairs analyst said that the United States and the Zionist regime are striving to transfer the Syrian crisis from the Middle East to Central Asia, saying, “In recent months, the United States has transferred hundreds of members of Daesh from Raqqah and Dayr al-Zawr to Afghanistan to move the crises towards the borders of Iran and Russia but the clever performance of the Islamic Resistance Front and the tripartite summit of the presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey will bring about a new strategy for the Middle East.”
He said that the Popular Mobilization Forces would remain as a force in parallel with the Iraqi armed forces as the threats to Iraq from terrorist groups continues and added, “For this reason, a series of popular forces must remain in the hearts of the Iraqi people and in this regard, the experience of the Iranians in forming the Basij after the victory of the Islamic Revolution will be very valuable.”
Hanizadeh explained that in the absence of the Basij, the country would suffer from unrest and strife and added, “Such an experience must be passed on to other countries, and not only in this regard, the Popular Mobilization Forces and Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba in Iraq and Hezbollah in Lebanon but also the popular forces in Syria were formed to protect the balance of power and to combat against future crises.”