RNA - Mohammed Abdulsalam, the Ansarullah spokesman, said on Thursday that Yemen’s missile launches are purely aimed at defending the nation in the face of Saudi attacks, Al Masirah reported.
On Saturday, Yemeni forces had launched a Borkan H2 long-range missile at King Khalid International Airport in northeastern Riyadh, the first to reach the Saudi capital.
Saudi military authorities said at the time that the missile had been fired at an international airport by the Yemeni popular forces, who have been on the frontline of fighting against the Saudi war machine since 2015.
The Yemeni popular forces have launched a number of long-range missiles across the border in recent years. However, Saturday’s strike appeared to be the deepest yet within Saudi territory.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Abdulsalam said the White House’s condemnation of Yemen’s missile attack is further proof that the US is covering up the kingdom’s crimes, while assisting Riyadh militarily.
Saudi Arabia has intensified its attacks on residential areas and civilian targets and blocking international humanitarian aid to Yemen.
On Tuesday, Saudi fighter jets targeted residential areas in the province of Hajjah, killing at least 60 people, including women and children.
Medics said Saudi war planes hindered rescue operations, with at least 10 paramedics killed in the strikes, according to reports.
Ansarullah, the national army and popular groups have joined forces to defend the country against an ongoing brutal military campaign launched in 2015 by the Saudi kingdom and a coalition of its allies with the aim of reinstalling the former Riyadh-backed government in Yemen.