RNA - ISIL had held most of the city until recent months, when the allied forces pushed into the area to link up with the defensive forces remaining at the Syrian air base. The pushes into Deir Ezzur quickly put ISIL on the defensive in the area. The Syrian military hasn’t announced the victory in the city yet, as commanders say there are still pockets of ISIL fighters within the city. However, they don’t want to claim premature victory, something other factions have often done against ISIL in big cities.
Still, the fight for Deir Ezzur has been all but over for weeks, with the focus shifting further up-river on the Euphrates toward the Iraqi border, as the allied forces aim to seize the remaining cities and towns along the shore before the United States and its proxy forces take them first. However things may seem, no evil thing is success and no good thing is failure:
A- The United States is not in Syria to combat ISIL, because ISIL is a tool used by the US administration to overthrow President Bashar Al-Assad and affect regime change in Damascus. Therefore, the allied forces have blocked the use of the tool for that purpose and this has made the situation in Syria a confrontation between the allied forces and the United States and its terror proxies.
B- The interests of the allied forces and the United States are diametrically opposed and there is no chance of any kind of agreement. True, Iran and Russia are trying to use diplomacy, but the regime changers are unwilling to publicly recognize that their intention is to regime change Syria.
C- Despite the fact that ISIL has been defeated on many fronts, the United States is still trying to create a war situation by occupying places like Raqqa and building illegal military bases deep into the Syrian territory. The reason for this is obvious. The War Party and the Military-Industrial Complex benefit through war. This is an orchestration of a clash in post-ISIL Syria.
D- This dangerous situation comes out of the American neoconservative drive for hegemony over the Middle East. The regime changers regard Iran and Russia as checks on the ability of the United States to act unilaterally, and are for trying to get rid of Iran and Russia as constraints of the American power. This is a problem that confronts the whole region. Although they are suffering the dire repercussions of the US hegemonic schemes in the Middle-East, the Europeans are, to much surprise, acting as American vassal states and so Iran and Russia have not been successful in trying to wake up the Europeans to this danger.
E- The United States is providing weapons to the opposition forces because the Syrian Army and its allies are making significant progress against Washington’s proxies everywhere. Sadly, innocent civilians are getting killed. The US has never been concerned about the suffering of innocent civilians, women and children. The US wants both sides to lose and bleed to death because the strategic thinking here is to protect Israel. Israel’s national security concerns have broad, bipartisan support in Washington, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the influential pro-Israel lobby in Washington, continues to urge Congress to support US bombing and occupying Syria.
F- Washington spending hundreds of millions of dollars firing missiles at Syria from miles away rather than on aid to refugees speaks volumes about the sincerity of its concern about Syrian democracy, civilian casualties and refugees - and raises questions about its real intentions there.
Little wonder periodic cease-fire talks, including peace talks, have failed to stop the bloodletting. Political negotiations have also proved futile, because Washington insists “Assad must go”. Much to the chagrin of Washington and terror proxies, President Assad is here to stay. The allied forces have just liberated the strategic city of Deir Ezzur and surrounding areas. This is not just a one-time event. It’s a big blow to Washington and proxies. The allied forces are advancing in the war, and they are winning. The dark cannot claim what light does not surrender.