Service :
29 October 2017 - 19:00
News ID: 434471
Rasa - Jewish rabbis and cantors in the United States filed a petition demanding that the Israeli regime stop selling arms to Myanmar amid the government-backed violence against the Rohingya Muslims.

RNA - "As American citizens and as Jews, we refuse to accept any involvement by the US or Israel in training or arming a military that is carrying out a brutal ethnic cleaning against a minority population," it read, presstv reported. 


More than 300 clergymen and women have signed the petition, meanwhile a similar request has reportedly been made by a group of rabbis in Israel.


The Israeli foreign ministry released a statement Monday to deny its role in violence and ethnic cleansing against Muslims in Myanmar.


"Israel's military export monitoring policy is frequently assessed according to a variety of considerations, among them the condition of human rights in the target country and the policies of the UN Security Council and other international agencies," claimed the ministry in a statement, amid growing calls for halt in weapons sales to the Myanmar military.


The Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine have been subjected to government-backed violence by soldiers and Buddhist mobs since October 2016.


The United Nations says the refugees have testified a consistent and methodical pattern of killings, torture, rape and arson attacks taking place against the minority group in Myanmar.



Tags: Israel Myanmar
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