RNA - Lendman made the remarks in an interview on Friday, a day after Bush launched a coded attack on the presidency of Donald Trump, saying “bigotry seems emboldened” in the United States in recent months.
Speaking at the George W. Bush Institute in New York City on Thursday, Bush condemned bigotry, conspiracy theories and lies in American politics while endorsed policies that run counter to those supported by Trump. He also warned that Americans need to reject “white supremacy.”
“George W. Bush, an unindicted war criminal, belonging in prison not doing God knows what, just criticized Donald Trump without mentioning his name for being a bigot, and a racist or whatever, ignoring his own sordid record, two terms in his presidency,” Lendman said.
“Both elections he lost but the elections were rigged to put him in the White House. And he took full advantage of it, waging war and naked aggression on Afghanistan, on Iraq, persecuting Muslims in America,” he stated.
“Talk about a racist and a bigot, I don’t know anybody more racist and bigot than George W. Bush along with his partner Dick Cheney. He has got a lot of nerve criticizing Trump who absolutely deserves plenty of criticism, but not from Bush,” he noted.
“Bush had a record, blood stain that will never be erased. There is a special place in hell awaiting him. I look forward to the day,” the analyst said.
‘Bush was involved in 9/11 false flag’
“He is a war criminal, and I repeat that. There was horrific stuff that he was involved in the post 9/11, which was the mother of all false flags. Bin Laden had nothing to do with it, so called ‘crazed Arabs’ had nothing to do with it. The CIA had everything to do with it along with Israel’s Mossad,” Lendman said.
“Of course he would never prosecute them. He would go after other people. And this type of incident is used for America to wage wars of aggression, advancing its imperial agenda. That’s the record of George W. Bush -- nobody to complain about the offences or whatever of anybody else. He had a sordid record that he will never able to live down,” the analyst said.
‘Bush trying to rehabilitate himself’
“What Bush is probably trying to do is rehabilitate himself from the criminal record that he had, eight years in office. He has been out of office for about nine years next January. For a while in America, his approval rating was almost a record low, down around 22 percent till the end of his tenure. Absolutely reviled, hated by most Americans, hated by anybody of any decency, and I think what he is trying to do is rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the public,” he said.
“Another person, not me, and I’m quoting them has called America the Unites States of amnesia for a good reason, because most of Americans forget what they may have known at some time within weeks or months or years go by, and they completely forgot. Probably most Americans don’t realize the criminal record of George Bush,” the journalist said.
“So if they see him criticizing Trump, who has an approval rating of around 32 percent, they will say, ‘There’s a good guy, George Bush, criticizing a bad guy, Donald Trump.’ I think that’s what all his dirty game is about,” he concluded.
Source: Press TV