RNA - "More concerning is that this violence is committed in association with the security forces and the Government of Myanmar seems reluctant to stop these savageries," Union of Islamic Students Association in Europe said in its open letter.
The following is the full text of the open letter by Union of Islamic Students Association in Europe to the UN chief:
An Open Letter to the Secretary-General of United Nations About Myanmar Crisis
His Excellency Mr António Guterres,
Secretary-General of United Nations,
This letter is to express our profound concern regarding the worrying situation of the Rohingya Muslim Community in Myanmar and to draw your attention to the fundamental mission and intrinsic duty of the United Nations to cease the continuous violation of the primary human rights of the helpless Rohingya people including children, women and the elderly, which resulted in massive and organized atrocities against this community. More concerning is that this violence is committed in association with the security forces and the Government of Myanmar seems reluctant to stop these savageries.
Concerning situation in Rohingya deeply bruises any human being irrespective of religion and nationality. We are warning that neglecting such an extensive and systematic violation of the very basic human rights of the Rohingya Muslims and any procrastination to cease it will lead to a wild escalation of the extremism and violence even beyond the Myanmar borders and promotion of destabilization in the whole region.
According to the UN Charter, the Government of Myanmar needs to immediately attend the horrifying situation of Rohingya Muslims and to respect their basic human rights. Obviously, transplanting this community to the neighboring countries will not resolve this enduring crisis. The international community and Muslim Countries do ask the Government of Myanmar to immediately stop the violence against the Rohingya Muslims, provide the people in need with unlimited access to humanitarian assistance, try the accused people for the atrocities in the competent courts, and inaugurate the necessary measures to stop reappearance of such brutalities.
As well, we do expect the United Nations to pay enough attention to fulfilling its inherent assignment in setting up the immediate measures for deescalating the violence in Myanmar and taking the necessary actions to address the increasing international concerns about the Rohingya Muslim Community.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of our highest consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Union of Islamic Students Association in Europe