RNA - More than twice as many Americans say Trump is doing more to divide the country than to unify it, 66 percent vs. 28 percent, according to an ABC/Washington Post poll published on Sunday.
Trump has been widely criticized for his response to the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, after he said "both sides" were to blame for the violence.
The survey shows that 39 percent of all survey respondents say Trump has brought needed change to Washington, while 59 percent say he has not.
Overall, Trump’s image continues to be negative, with 39 percent of Americans approving and 57 percent disapproving of the president’s job performance.
The president’s approval rating is the lowest of any president at eight months in office dating back to Harry S. Truman’s presidency 71 years ago.
Gallup poll released last week found that Americans continue to cite dissatisfaction with the US government above all others as America’s top problem, followed by race relations and immigration.
The Post-ABC poll also found a high level of public distrust that Trump will act responsibly in dealing with North Korea.
A record 84 percent of Americans now see North Korea as a threat to the United States, but 62 percent don’t trust him to handle the threat responsibly.
Experts say Trump’s use of aggressively personal insults could have an opposite effect, intensifying the deteriorating situation in the Korean peninsula.
The US president nicknamed North Korean leader Kim Jong-un “Rocket Man” in an address at the United Nations last week and threatened to “totally destroy” his country of 26 million people.
The poll highlights that Trump faces deep challenges on international and domestic issues alike, with a job approval rating mired in historic lows.