Service :
15 September 2017 - 16:41
News ID: 432429
Syria in Last 24 Hours:
Rasa - The Syrian army continued its advances in Homs, and captured more strategic regions in the province.

RNA - The army units drove the ISIL terrorists out of key areas and their surrounding areas in Homs province.


The Syrian troops inflicted heavy losses on the terrorists in fierce clashes over controlling of strategic regions. They also destroyed military equipment of the terrorists.


The Syrian army also continued its advances in other key provinces across Syria.




The Syrian army continued military operations in the Central parts of the country, tightening noose on the ISIL by regaining control of 3 more regions.


The army soldiers, in cooperation with the National Defense Forces (NDF), continued advances in Job al-Jarah region in Eastern Homs on Thursday, capturing the three villages of Anq al-Hawa, Um al-Tabayen, al-Khan and several surrounding hills in the Eastern parts of Maksar al-Hessan region.


Also, the Syrian fighter jets launched heavy attacks on ISIL's defense lines in Job al-Jarah region, inflicting heavy tolls and damages on the ISIL terrorists.


Anq al-Hawa was one of ISIL's key bases in the region and a main platform used by the terrorists to attack the nearby villages.


Deir Ezzur


The Syrian army continued to drive off ISIL from Southern Deir Ezzur on Thursday and ISIL terrorists show despair and chaos in frontline.


The army forces continued clashes with the ISIL terrorists in regions near Deir Ezzur airbase on Thursday, retaking control of the Air Defense battalion and Tal Korom in the Southern parts of Deir Ezzur.


The government troops captured the farms near Jazireh University from al-Baliqiyeh and al-Farsan power plant in al-Baliqiyeh from Westward.


Meantime, the Syrian air force targeted the ISIL positions near al-Jafreh village and in Huwaijeh al-Sukr in Southeastern Deir Ezzur, inflicting a number of casualties on the terrorists.


Faced with the army's rapid advance, the ISIL has increased the number of its checkpoints in the town of Abu Hardoub and the village of al-Tayaneh in the Southern parts of Deir Ezzur in a last ditch effort to stop the rising number of its fugitive members.




The terrorist groups in Eastern Ghouta of Damascus engaged in a fresh round of clashes as many of them have defected and merged in bigger groups.


According to the Arabic-language al-Manar news website, a new wave of tensions is reported among the terrorists in the Eastern Ghouta of Damascus after a new brigade was formed under the name of Rabeta al-Maraj by Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) in collaboration with al-Maraj brigade which was dissolved earlier by Faylaq al-Rahman terrorist group.


Also, Faylaq al-Rahman's control over the entire parts of the town of Arabayn has intensified tensions. The terrorist group gained control over this region after al-Haq brigade which had defected Ahrar al-Sham joined Faylaq al-Rahman.


Media sources affiliated to the terrorist groups disclosed in July that fifty fighters of a combat battalion of Ahrar al-Sham have defected the group to join Faylaq al-Rahman along with its military equipment.


In the meantime, Ahrar al-Sham's Spokesman Mohammad Abu Zeid said that only a part of the Battalion has joined Faylaq al-Rahman.




The Russian military police forces were deployed in the Northern parts of Hama, dissident news sources reported on Thursday.


The news websites affiliated to the dissidents reported that the Russian military police were deployed to the front-line towns of Khattab and Taybat Al-Imam near the Idlib province.


The Russian troops moved the village of Abu Dali in Eastern Hama bordering the Southern parts of Idlib




One of the largest terrorist groups in Idlib defected Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) as widening rifts and tensions among commanders.


Jeish al-Ahrar terrorist group led by Abu Saleh Tahan declared in a statement on Thursday that it has defected Tahrir ah-Sham in Idlib.


The statement added that Jeish al-Ahrar decided to leave its bonds with Tahrir al-Sham after audio files leaked in recent days disclosed widening rifts among the commanders of the Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at or the Levant Liberation Board).


Jeish al-Ahrar, comprising of former Ahrar al-Sham members and commanders, had joined Tahrir al-Sham almost 10 months ago.



Tags: Syria ISIL
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