Service :
26 August 2017 - 20:25
News ID: 431962
Rasa - Saudi whistle-blower Mujtahid, who is believed to be a member of or have a well-connected source in the royal family, revealed that dethroned Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef who was forced to resign and placed under house arrest by the king's son several months ago has been moved to an unknown place.
Saudi former Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef

RNA - "Mohammed bin Nayef has been transferred to another place to be kept. Also, Mohammed bin Salman (the new crown prince) has started a new wave of arrests against those officers affiliated to bin Nayef," Mujtahid wrote on his twitter page on Saturday, without elaborating on bin Nayef's current place.


Elsewhere, he confirmed earlier reports saying that prince Turki bin Moqren has fired at Mohammed bin Salman on July 3, adding that the crown prince's left hand had sustained small injuries.


Mujtahid said Turki was arrested right on the shooting scene that was said to be an assasination attempt on bin Salman's life, adding that no one, even his father, is aware of his fate.


Sources in the Saudi royal guards had revealed in June that new crown prince Mohammed bin Salman has ordered them to keep the ousted crown prince, Mohammed bin Nayef, under house arrest.


"The Saudi royal guards have been ordered to permanently deploy at the palace where Mohammed bin Nayef, the former Saudi crown prince, resides in Riyadh," informed royal guards sources told al-Khalij al-Jadid news website.


They added that the order means bin Nayef is house arrest.


Also, al-Ahd al-Jadid news website reported on its twitter page that Mohammed bin Salman has ordered to put 5 Saudi princes and a number of interior ministry officers under house arrest for their continued contacts with bin Nayef after he was dethroned by the Saudi king Salman.



Tags: Nayef Saudi
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