RNA - The attack, the latest in a wave of vehicle rammings across Europe in recent years, caused panic on the streets of Spain's largest city and drew condemnation from world leaders. Hours later, police said they had shot dead "four suspected terrorists" and left another injured in Cambrils, a city south of Barcelona.
In the same respect:
1- In the coming months and years, there will be more terror attacks in Europe and certainly more chaotic aftermath, terrified people screaming and running for their lives and suchlike. This is because America’s bogus War on Terror refuses to end in the heartlands of the Muslim world.
2- It gets worse. Pentagon officials have been pretty clear about their intention of keeping occupying troops in post-ISIL Iraq and Syria, all while building an illegal military base off the coast of Yemen more or less forever. The plans for Syria, however, have been far less public, mostly owing to the fact that US troops are there without the approval of the Syrian government. The reality is that the US has a strategy policy committing them to keep military forces in the region for decades to come. This only means further trouble for the volatile region and further deadly blowback for Europe, as people reject the idea of an open-ended US military presence.
3- These are perilous times. At a time when the allied forces of Iran, Syria, Iraq, Russia, and Hezbollah are dislodging the last remnants of ISIL and Al-Qaeda from the Levant, there is an anti-peace president and Congress that is already doing its best to usher the region into the new Dark Ages. At a time when the security of Europe is in danger of being ripped to shreds, the Americans have elected a leader who feeds hate, divisiveness, terror, and war, and who has contempt for International Law and the principles which sustain it.
4- The coming months will be critical. The world has hit bottom with America’s permanent war and the international civil society must start its climb. And we must climb together, willing to reach out a tentative hand each to the other because only by standing together can we win the Real War on Terror. The world must know that global peace and security have not been taken by terrorists, but by the war-party Washington and its associates that come in all shapes and forms – even in black clad uniforms.
5- Military-Industrial Complex terror and tyranny is no less vile than any other form of terrorism. Living in a world that is fast becoming an arms store will destroy the world more quickly and more surely than terrorism or any of the bogeymen of the moment conjured up by the US to keep people afraid and distracted. The very people who have eroded global peace and security are posing as populists and champions of the terror war while they aid and abet terror, grab lands, and destroy and divide nations.
6- The reality Europeans find themselves in now - the terror attacks, the gross incompetence of politicians to end the permanent war, the sheer folly that has taken over Western politics - is the culmination of years of their own neglect. If they don’t check on warmongers and war criminals, they will on their informed citizenry:
Prime Minister Theresa May, whose government helped Washington turn Iraq, Syria and Yemen into failed states, has just claimed she is "sickened by the senseless loss of life in Barcelona". US President Donald Trump, whose government is behind the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen has just written on Twitter: "The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain, and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough & strong, we love you!"
No, he loves neither Europe nor Europeans; he loves money. And he makes sure the War Party will make more money via the permanent war: As the Middle East descends into proxy wars, sectarian conflicts and battles against terrorist networks, countries in the region that have stockpiled American military hardware are now actually using it and wanting more. The result is a boom for American arms contractors looking for foreign business in an era of shrinking Pentagon budgets - but also the prospect of more terror attacks in Europe and a dangerous new arms race at a furious rate in a region where the map of alliances has been sharply redrawn – serious human rights concerns notwithstanding.
To be sure, the indiscriminate slaughter of ordinary members of the public in Barcelona is fully in keeping with the operational methods of ISIL. The slaughter and atrocities in Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, Nice and Berlin are similar to even worse slaughter of hundreds of thousands in Iraq and Syria. These get limited attention in the Western media, but they continually deepen the sectarian war in the Middle East.
The only feasible way to eliminate organizations capable of carrying out these attacks is to end America’s permanent terror on Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Libya that cross-infect each other and produce the anarchic conditions in which ISIL and Al-Qaeda and their clones can grow.