24 June 2017 - 21:48
News ID: 430557
Rasa - Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says its next “crushing response” to potential enemy missteps has already been planned days after it struck Daesh positions in Syria with missiles in revenge for its terror attacks on Iranian soil.
Brigadier General Ramezan Sharif, spokesman for Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)

RNA - Last Sunday, the IRGC fired six medium-range ballistic missiles at targets belonging to the Takfiri terror group of Daesh in Syria’s northeastern Dayr al-Zawr Province in response to a June 7 attack by the outfit against two locations in Tehran, which killed 18 people.


The countermeasure killed dozens of Daesh terrorists, including six of the group’s Libyan commanders, with one of the missiles reportedly hitting a Daesh command center in the province’s city of al-Mayadin.


IRGC Spokesman Brigadier General Ramezan Sharif said, “Whether the missile attacks will recur or not depends on enemies’ behavior. Proportionate to what they may do, a crushing response has been planned, and will be delivered,” Tasnim News Agency reported on Wednesday.


He said it took just 11 days for IRGC forces to pinpoint the command and planning posts used to spearhead the Tehran terror attacks, most of which lied in Dayr al-Zawr.


The powerful counterattack, Sharif said, had sent across a resounding message to “terrorists, their regional and international backers, and also all those, who might even consider threatening our country’s national security.”


In an exclusive interview with Press TV on Monday, the official warned terrorists and their sponsors about “more serious revenge,” should they try their hands at more terror attacks against the Islamic Republic.


He billed Iran’s retaliatory missile strike as a countermeasure of just a “very limited scale.”



Tags: Daesh IRGC Iran
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