RNA - The army units drove back the ISIL terrorists from several regions in Eastern Aleppo and paved their way to recapture the town of Maskanah there.
The Syrian troops killed several terrorists and injured many more in fierce clashes over controlling of strategic regions. They also destroyed military equipment of the terrorists.
The Syrian army also continued its advances in other key provinces across Syria.
The Syrian army continued military operations in Eastern Aleppo to drive terrorists out of the province, blitzing in three fronts to recapture the town of Maskanah as the ISIL last bastion.
The Syrian soldiers could retake control of the village of al-Far in the Southwestern parts of Maskanah after clashes with the ISIL terrorists.
Based on field reports, Maskanah is now encircled by pro-gov't forces via the Northern, Western and Eastern directions.
Also, the Syrian army's front line positions overlook Maskanah-Tabaqa-Raqqa road which is now the only remaining way for the ISIL militants to withdraw from the strategic town.
Other reports from Eastern Aleppo also said that a large number of ISIL members have fled Maskanah to save their lives, adding that they have planted dozens of mines in the region to slow down the Syrian army's advance and the town's collapse.
The Syrian ground and air forces intensified military operations in the Eastern parts of Homs to open their way towards the strategic city of al-Sukhnah, paving the ground for lifting the siege of Deir Ezzur.
The Syrian soldiers engaged in heavy clashes with the ISIL terrorists near the two regions of al-Abbasiyeh and Talileh in Southeastern Palmyra (Tadmur).
Other units of the army clashed with the ISIL militants in several pivots near Job al-Jarah district in Eastern Homs, killing and wounding a number of Takfiri terrorists, including Arabs and foreign militants.
Meantime, the Russian and Syrian fighter jets pounded the ISIL supply routes in al-Sukhnah, regions near Job al-Jarah and the villages of Rasm al-Saba'ah, Um Sahrij, Abu Tarrahah, Abu Jaris, Onq al-Hawa, al-Shandakhiyeh and Sharq al-Qatqat as well as Ibn Rakan palace and the Western parts of al-Yatimiyeh mountain in the Eastern and Southeastern parts of Homs.
A military source confirmed that several ISIL bases and positions were destroyed in the airstrikes and tens of militants, including several commanders, were killed.
The Syrian army dispatched a large number of fresh forces to Hama as Damascus troops started a new phase of military operation to drive ISIL out of the province.
Hundreds of fresh forces arrived in Eastern Hama to help the Syrian army in its anti-ISIL campaign, as pro-government forces started an offensive to liberate Aqayrabat town, the main bastion of the Takfiri terrorists in the region.
The Syrian and Russian forces carried out a large-scale joint operation in Hama province to hit ISIL's defense lines East of the town of al-Salamiyah.
According to reports, pro-gov't forces began their military operation to liberate the Eastern countryside of al-Salamiyah that has been occupied by the ISIL for more than two years.
Liberation of Aqayrabat region is a main objective of the Syrian and Russian forces' operation in Eastern Hama, as it is ISIL's main stronghold in the province that is located along the terrorist group’s main supply route to the Raqqa province.
Another convoy of the Syrian army forces arrived in Dara'a province along with a large cargo of weapons and military equipment on Thursday.
The fresh forces joined their comrades as the Syrian army had earlier dispatched two other convoys of soldiers to Dara'a.
Hundreds of Syrian forces and a large batch of military supplies were sent to Dara'a province as it seems that pro-gov't forces are preparing to start a new anti-terrorism operation in the region.
According to military sources, the pro-government forces are now in the preparation stage for a special operation to completely liberate the Dara'a city and recapture Jumrak border crossing to Jordan.
A number of terrorists left the Yarmouk Palestinian Refugees Camp in Southern Damascus in line with an agreement between the Syrian army and the militants stationed in the region.
Based on the agreement between the army and the militants in the four towns of Fua'a, Kafraya, al-Zabadani and Madhaya, 4 patients along with 12 of their family members were allowed by the terrorists to leave Fua'a and Kafraya in Northern Idlib for Aleppo.
Also, the same number of militants withdrew from Yarmouk Refugee Camp and went towards Idlib.
Local sources in the Yarmouk had reported last month that the ISIL terrorist group is about to leave its positions in the camp and hand them over to the Syrian Army troops.
The sources said that the ISIL has distributed a number of leaflets across Yarmouk camp and Hajar al-Aswad region, determining three destinations in ISIL-held regions in Syria.
They added that the ISIL has urged its fighters to register their names for evacuation from the camp.
The sources pointed out that the ISIL is to leave the region and hand over its positions to the army units.
The US-led coalition aircraft carried out heliborne operation in regions controlled by ISIL terrorists in Northern Raqqa in Syria, carrying a number of militants on board.
The heliborne operation to save the ISIL members was conducted in the Northern parts of Raqqa.
Meantime, other reports said that the predominately Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) forces who are stationed in Raqqa under the US supervision allow the ISIL terrorists to leave Raqqa city.
Local sources disclosed in April that the US-led coalition aircraft carried out another heliborne operation in regions controlled by ISIL terrorists in Southeastern Deir Ezzur near Syria's border with Iraq.
The source added that several aircraft of the US-led coalition carried out heliborne operations near T2 Station in desert regions South of the town of al-Mayadeen.
According to reports, the aircraft landed near the T2 station where tens of the coalition forces left them and entered the station, adding the region on which the aircraft landed is one of the military supplying-rescue bases of the ISIL and there are a number of arms depots and fighters in the region.
The coalition's operation lasted for 20 minutes and the US-led forces left the region, Sky news said, adding that the ISIL, meantime, dispatched more forces and military equipment to Koinko oilfields, Jafrah and al-Tonk regions and set up tens of checkpoints in the towns of al-Mayadeen, al-Sho'eitat, Albu Kamal and its surroundings.