RNA - Corbyn revealed his party’s new manifesto on Tuesday for the upcoming general elections, which called for an end to Israel’s blockade and occupation of Palestine as well as construction of illegal settlements on the occupied Palestinian lands.
More importantly, the document stated that Corbyn would “immediately recognize” the state of Palestine if he defeats Prime Minister Theresa May and gets the chance to form a Labour government.
Jones, an Indiana-based editor at the Culture Wars Magazine, told Press TV on Tuesday that the manifesto was promising.
“The decision by the Labour Party to come out in support of Palestine is an indication that the movement that was set in motion by Brexit is continuing in England, whereas on the continent the movement is going in the exact opposite direction,” hr said.
Counting Labour among “parties of populist protest against internationalism” that are fighting “oligarchy parties” like the UK’s ruling Conservatives, Jones argued that Corbyn’s endorsement of Palestine put him head to head with Israel.
“The main bulwark of internationalism is Jewish power and the main citadel of Jewish power is Israel,” he explained. “This is in other words a way of taking back local control against the internationalist consensus.”
It seems the Labour Party was forced to make some amendments to its manifesto because an earlier leaked version even highlighted the “humanitarian crisis” in the occupied Palestinian territories, denouncing settlement-building in the occupied West Bank as “wrong, illegal and a threat to the peace process.”
Over half a million Israelis live in over 230 illegal settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. The presence and continued expansion of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine has created a major obstacle for the efforts to establish peace in the Middle East.