Service :
12 May 2017 - 21:22
News ID: 429596
Rasa - Three mass graves have been discovered in Iraq's western province of Anbar, containing the bodies of an estimated several dozen civilians and security forces executed by Daesh Takfiri terrorists.
Iraqi troops check a mass grave discovered in Hammam al-Alil town on November 7, 2016, after it was recaptured from the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group. (Photo by AFP)

RNA - The sites of the mass graves are in Saqlawiyah region, north of Fallujah, in Karma area, east of Fallujah, and behind the old central library in central Ramadi, the capital of Anbar, Iraqi police officials said on Thursday.


Security forces are deployed to guard the sites and forensic teams from Baghdad are expected in the coming days.


Iraq has discovered dozens of mass graves in areas that have been retaken from Daesh.


This comes as the Iraqi army has launched a large-scale operation against Daesh in the desert areas of Anbar as the terrorist group is being dealt final blows in the country's fight against the Takfiri terrorists.


Anbar is the largest Iraqi province and borders Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. It has been a militant stronghold since 2014, when Daesh swept through Iraq.


The Iraqi forces have managed to retake most of the towns and cities in Anbar, but the Daesh terrorists still control areas near the Syrian border.


Three years ago, Daesh unleashed its campaign of death and destruction in Iraq and declared the northern city of Mosul as its de facto capital in the Arab country.


Since October 2016, Iraqi army soldiers and allied volunteer fighters have been leading a major operation to retake Mosul.


Iraqi forces took control of eastern Mosul in January and launched another offensive in the west in February.



Tags: Daesh Iraq
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