RNA - Trump “is a dangerous man … and I see the possibility of a global catastrophe,” political analyst and former Trump supporter Mark Dankof told in an interview on Saturday.
Dankof, who is also a broadcaster and pastor from San Antonio, Texas, said Trump, and his team consisting of Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, wish to start a war with North Korea without gaining Congressional Authorization on the matter.
Tillerson told the United Nations Security Council on Friday that "all options" regarding North Korea "must remain on the table."
"The threat of a North Korean nuclear attack on Seoul or Tokyo is real, and it is likely only a matter of time before North Korea develops the capability to strike the US mainland," Tillerson said.
"For too long the international community has been reactive in addressing North Korea," he said, adding, “Those days must come to an end.”
Pence made similar remarks on the matter while visiting Australia days earlier.
Trump has repeatedly threatened Pyongyang of “major conflict”.
Dankof said North Korea is no threat to the US, or even Japan.
“North Korea is a threat to South Korea,” he said, adding that US military presence and intervention in the Korean Peninsula would further heighten tensions and create a dangerous situation for the peoples in the region.
The Trump administration has said previously all options are on the table, and has sent the USS Vinson warship and a nuclear-powered submarine to the region in a show of force.
Washington has also started transportation of parts of the controversial US THAAD missile system to a pre-planned site in South Korea.
North Korea has warned the US of nuclear response in case of a direct military action, and has indicated that weapons tests would continue more frequently.