RNA - They talk about “the new Hitler in the White House who is becoming a credible foreign policy leader.” They opine that the world is witnessing the normalization of Donald Trump, whose craziness and sadism is pandemic, doesn’t only revolve around war-worship, and is flavored with the spice of paranoia.
No doubt the political class on the Capitol Hill is “mentally ill” and unstable. The following seems to indicate just that:
1- The Trump White House notifies Congress that Iran has been compliant with its commitments under the 2015 nuclear agreement, but then says it is reviewing whether a continued suspension of the sanctions serves the national interests of the United States. It goes on to falsely accuse Iran of being “a leading state sponsor of terror,” and notes that it is considering new sanctions against the country!
2- The Trump White House attacks an airfield in Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles to send a "message" to Pyongyang! Sadistic American commentators hail the “beautiful” bombing, even though they know the Trumpsters are not a responsible administration and not really serious in finding solutions, whether in Syria or Korea.
3- The Trump White House talks about an imminent US attack on North Korea centered heavily around the USS Carl Vinson’s carrier strike group; presents it as steaming rapidly toward North Korea for an apparent confrontation; but then the US Navy releases a picture of the USS Carl Vinson off the coast of Indonesia in the Indian Ocean - nowhere near North Korea!
4- The Trump White House drops the US military’s largest non-nuclear bomb MOAB on Afghanistan as a purely symbolic act; says the days of the Taliban are numbered; but then sends more troops to Afghanistan. Some 16 years into the failed invasion and occupation, it wants to send “around 100,000” ground troops to convince the Taliban “to reach a settlement that looked like victory by us.” It argues that it would find a way for the US to keep troops in there permanently, because the Taliban is too patient for anything short of that. This is while the US is nearly bankrupt and hasn’t won a war since the end of World War II.
5- The Trump White House’s weird bloodlust and paranoia isn’t limited to Afghanistan and Syria – far from it. They are helping Saudi Arabia in bombing Yemen. The paranoia is mutual. It is the belief – rather the ruse – of the global criminal syndicate to claim that they are in a campaign to contain an Iranian-sponsored insurgency. This is while former President Obama admitted to this fact back in June 2015, that the Houthis had ignored Iranian advice not to enter the capital Sana’a and overthrow the old government.
6- The Trump White House has delusions of grandeur. It helps Saudi Arabia to pour troops into Bahrain to help quell the demands for democracy, and sells it as an Iranian plot to gain power. It accuses Iran of fueling unrest among Shiites across the region; gives free rein as well as weapons and funding to “moderate” terrorist groups to regime change Syria; bombs innocent civilians everywhere; and does its best to avoid international justice and accountability.
7- The Trump White House labels the Lebanese Hezbollah, Iraqi volunteer forces, and even the peaceful opposition protests in Bahrain as “Iranian proxies” for the fact that they receive basic political sympathy from Tehran. In return, armed Salafist groups such as ISIL and Al-Qaeda are not labeled as “Saudi proxies” despite the fact that the State Department says they receive money, weapons, and political support from Riyadh.
All this and more indicates that the political class in Washington is indeed projecting general madness and hallucinations. It has gotten everything wrong in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Libya, and it still wants to stay the course! It has failed to regime change Syria. It has failed to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. It has failed to stop a new independent government from forming in Sana’a. It has truly failed to convince the world that it is its troops that are defeating ISIL in Iraq and not the national forces of that country. Even its fake anti-ISIL coalition partners who were in many cases forcefully dragged into the bogus War on Terror are begging to abandon ship.
The United States is exhausting itself trying to win these failed wars, using despicable tactics on defenseless civilians and sovereign nations which refuse to accept American rule and occupation. The Trump White House and regional vassals are learning this the hard way. They are still under the delusion that by blaming Iran for everything they can wait for victory to materialize; it won’t come.