RNA - Tillerson is lying when he says the future of President Bashar al-Assad should be left up to the Syrian people. Toppling the Syrian government has been and still is part of a plan adopted shortly after the 9/11 attacks in the US. According to a memo disclosed by 4-star General Wesley Clark, shortly after 9/11, the Pentagon adopted a plan to topple the governments of seven countries within five years. The countries were Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Iran.
As we know, Iraq was invaded and destroyed in 2003. American ally Israel tried its hand at taking out Lebanon in 2006 but failed. Libya was destroyed in 2011. US drones fly over Somalia. US troops are stationed in South Sudan - Sudan was partitioned following a brutal civil war. And Syria has been the scene of a deadly US-led regime change campaign since 2011. Only Iran has been left unscathed.
This leaves us with the following arguments:
1- Throughout the six-year conflict, the cabal of US warmongers have repeatedly insisted that President Assad must have no political involvement in any future Syrian government. They have repeatedly demanded his unconditional removal from office. Even in efforts to broker a future deal for elections, US officials maintained Assad could never run for office again.
2- The idea of leaving President Assad’s future up to the Syrian voters is a ruse. It will be scoffed at by America’s regional vassals anyhow, mainly Saudi Arabia, which is backing various terrorist groups and insisting heavily on regime change. Perhaps, the whole idea is to create a situation similar to the one in Libya by giving the impression that America has nothing to do with the current mess.
3- The Trump administration has not shifted war priorities toward fighting ISIL. The priority has never been to defeat ISIL- America’s own creation. Quite the contrary, the Pentagon regime is escalating the war through massive troop deployments, not just in Syria but also in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya.
4- Tillerson has confirmed that the subject of establishing safe zones in northern Syria has been discussed during his talks with top Turkish officials, and that the discussion included how such zones would be kept secure. This is not a place to stash Syrian refugees. There are a lot of doubts about how such a plan would work and Tillerson’s attempt to rebrand them as “stability zones” is not going to fool anyone. They will become a base of operations for Al-Qaeda-allied rebel groups, making them dangerous for the entire region. It reflects the reality that the Syrian government is probably going to be fighting these goons for many years to come.
5- Tillerson’s visit to Turkey this week, which aimed primarily at getting Turkey to accept US backing for the Kurdish YPG, ended in failure, with Turkish officials condemning the US for supporting the Kurdish separatists and not working with what Ankara calls the “right and legitimate” actors in Syria (i.e. terrorists that have long been in alliance with Al-Qaeda's branch in Syria, the Al-Nusra Front, under different brands as Jeish Al-Fatah, Fatah Al-Sham and Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at or the Levant Liberation Board). Turkish officials know better than anyone else that America is working with various terrorist groups and that it has every intention to partition Iraq and Syria, and creation of a state for Kurds is part of this plan. This colonial policy leaves no alternative but regime change in Damascus.
Long story short, the “Assad must go” mantra and vilification of Syrian allies is grossly biased and hides geopolitical motives. Since the first “no boots on the ground” pledges of President Trump, the White House and the Pentagon regime have systematically and repeatedly lied about the current escalation and the number of ground troops they have in Iraq and Syria. They are deliberately omitting large numbers of troops from the official count by labeling them “temporary.” Today, they are telling us the same lies about allowing democracy to prevail in post-war Syria.
The only real thing that can be gleaned from Tillerson’s recent comments is that the cabal of US warmongers led by the neocons and the Zionist-dominated Congress are lying when they say the future of President Assad should be left up to the Syrian people. In practice, the regime changers didn’t destroy Syria only to come to this “democratic” conclusion six years later. They will continue to drop bombs on Syria anyhow.
But the rhetoric appears to have at least satisfied the American public, who are telling pollsters they want strikes against ISIL. Americans are being misled too. The reality is that although the initial target may have shifted, the long-term goal is still regime change. Trump is locked into an anti-Syria position and this is not a peripheral interest; it is an integral part of the Christian-Zionist-Wahhabi plan to confront Iran and Russia. As long as a war exists in Syria, ISIL or a similar element will exist there too, spilling over the border and allowing America to stay and entertain. It’s just a cover for the cabal of US warmongers to hide their destructive, illegitimate aims and geopolitical motives.