21 March 2017 - 22:13
News ID: 428325
Fear and Loathing at UN:
Rasa - The colonial and militarized nature of the US-Israel relationship sustains the fallacy that the Zionist regime is under attack by a “biased” United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
UN United Nation

RNA - We aren’t at all surprised to hear that the United States has once again boycotted a UNHRC session focusing on Israel’s human rights violations against the Palestinians due to the inter-governmental body’s alleged "bias against Israel.”


US State Department Spokesman Mark Toner claims Washington boycotted Monday's UNHRC session over the council’s focus on Israel’s human rights record during the council’s Item Seven General Debates. In his words, "The United States strongly and unequivocally opposes the existence of the UN Human Rights Council's Agenda Item Seven: 'Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.”


For one thing, since this is predominantly about the alleged UNHRC “bias against Israel”, consider the following:


1- The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. By Christian-Zionist design, American officials all see only that which they are trained to see. They ignore history because it disagrees with their desired results. The primary rationale for occupying Palestine and victimizing Palestinians arose during and after the Second World War. Immigrant Zionists argued the mistreatment of European Jews and the Holocaust entitled the Jewish people the right to establish a homeland in Palestine, at the time under British colonial rule and at the expense of the Palestinians.


2- It is a well-known fact that Palestinian reality has Western bias. Calling it bias makes it easier to explain away the things White House officials don't understand and don’t like. Israel wants to be treated as “a nation like all other nations,” which, Jews and Americans know better than most, is nothing to be proud of.


3- The Trump White House has no choice in what it could believe as regards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It is the Christian-Zionist establishment in Washington as well as the Israel lobby that decide for them. They plan to take over the whole of Palestine and, of course, there's little room for ethics when gobs of money are at stake. Israel is primarily fighting not for its survival, but to expand its illegal borders at the expense of the Palestinians.


4- It's not at all hard for Trump officials to understand the Human Rights Council; it's only hard to listen without bias.  The expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and expulsion of Palestinians have increased significantly in recent years, the latter in direct violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 49, which prohibits the transferring of citizens from occupied territory.


5- When the international civil society looks at Israel, it sees a usurper regime - not a democracy, not a nation like other nations. This is a regime that has launched an effort to capture all Palestinian land, including East Jerusalem, Al-Quds and the Gaza Strip. It took the Sinai from Egypt and the Golan Heights from Syria. The US has vetoed UN resolutions condemning the illegal settlements and the ongoing effort by the Israelis to dismantle Palestinian communities. As of 2017, Israel has been condemned in some 50 resolutions by Human Rights Council. The council is not afraid of being accused of bias. And that's partly because there's a whole machine out there, an organized attempt to accuse them of bias whenever they say anything that the global criminal syndicate doesn't like.


In a world ever more committed to militarism, wars, walls, barriers, and the profitability of exclusion, it seems ethical boundaries are the easiest to knock down. It is useless to attempt to reason the Trump White House out of a thing they are never reasoned into. Every discussion which is made from an egoistic standpoint is corrupted from the start and cannot yield an absolutely sure conclusion. They put their own interests first and twist every argument, word, even historic fact to suit their interests at the UN.


That’s why it is becoming ever harder for Human Rights Council to discuss any issue about Israel and its crimes against humanity in occupied Palestine without facing accusations of bias. What else could you possibly expect from a country that is intent on upholding the standards of imperial hubris, has a sordid vision of its own, a “big, beautiful wall” on the US-Mexico border, and completely ignores history and reality on the ground in occupied Palestine.


The United States has consistently criminalized Palestinians for pursuing a dignified existence, and has supported - and paid for - Israel’s apartheid wall, expansionist efforts, and illegal settlements, in large part due to the tireless lobbying of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the fact that they are both cut from the same colonial cloth.


Tags: US UN Israel
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