RNA - The Trump White House and the Pentagon regime think so. They both argue that plunging deeper into Syria is completely legal and that it shouldn’t have significant restrictions. Never mind that any poll they cite is fake and that many polls show majorities in favor of peace and troop withdrawal, with many supporting the international community’s opinion that Syrian refugees should be supported and taken in. Let’s also set aside the fact that the United States is losing its so-called global leadership that it is closely tied to the Military-Industrial Complex, which promotes permanent war in the heartlands of the Muslim world. Hard to see the humanitarianism here.
There’s a larger issue than just fake humanitarian intervention though: The war on Syria – and Yemen - is not a humanitarian contest. It is probably true that many of those US forces being sent to Syria would support terrorist groups fighting the Syrian government. It is probably also true that the CIA supports Al-Qaeda’s sectarian goals in Yemen, like war on Shiites, more pro-Saudi lackeys in political office, and stronger action against people and Ansarollah.
One of the most horrible features of the war is that all the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from those who claim they are not fighting people. It’s a nightmare. Despite various proclamations that the United States will not have any “boots on the ground”, the Trump White House is moving rapidly into stage two of war on Syria madness as the Pentagon regime boosts its intervention in war-torn Yemen and the greater Mideast on th pretext of fighting terror and bringing democracy.
Given the recent history of the United States’ adventurism in both of these countries, this surge of troops is not a light matter. It was the US invasion of Iraq that purposely gave birth to Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the precursor to ISIL and other terrorist groups. The new push to send more ground troops into Syria must be seen within the context of the overall push for regime change and destabilization of the Syrian government.
As we all know, the United States and Saudi Arabia originally helped create and arm Afghanistan’s Taliban movement and ISIL to be used against Syria’s government. The US has long pretended to fight ISIL but has barely done so in reality. Which means, this time it will not be for real either.
The same is true in Yemen. The US Navy has imposed a naval blockade on the war-torn country, another joint US-Saudi warfare enterprise that has gone terribly wrong. Yemen provides yet another stark example of how an illegal war against a sovereign nation to affect regime change risks fueling a region-wide war. Ironically, despite the fact that Saudi-led airstrikes are responsible for the vast majority of child deaths and civilian casualties, the West keeps arming the Saudis and their allies.
History shows it’s easy to lie into war but awfully hard to get out. President Trump, whose main information sources are fake news and “alternative facts”, is yet to understand this verity, this madness. He should have a good look at Afghanistan, America’s longest war, now in its 16th year of stalemate. The Pentagon regime, heedless that Afghanistan is known as “The Graveyard of Empires,” wants more troops there too!
But the Levantine Madness II threatens blowback. The shock and awe campaign and troop surge will only make the situation worse and prolong the global refugee chaos. The Pentagon cannot help Syrians caught in an open-ended war by dropping bombs on them or creating safe zones for terrorists. Likewise, greater military intervention will deepen the major social, ethnic, religious and political divisions in Yemen and the wider region.
For decades, US bombing and military intervention has created more terrorists than it has killed. The “War on Terror” campaign failed to destroy Al-Qaeda and ISIL, and even spawned a multitude of splinter groups. If Trump is going to risk greater US involvement in Syria and Yemen, it will be hard to confine the war to one small part of the multi-national battlefields.
It is time for the United States, Saudi Arabia and the mere extras to recognize that the not so hidden agenda of settling for nothing less than regime change in Damascus and Sana’a is dangerous and deadly. It is hard to look at their actions and still believe the decision to calibrate their tactics is humanitarianism.
Their criminal obsession has absolutely nothing to do with humanitarianism or fighting terror and everything to do with keeping a military footprint in Syria, Yemen and the wider region. The perverse essence of this madness is completely based on a cynical calculation meant to derail peace talks, protect Israel, and preserve the status quo. The goal is also to allow extremist groups a safe zone to warrant their continuance. Watch this space. This will get much worse - with disastrous consequences not just for the region but for the entire world.