RNA - "After the recent victories (in Syria), we have established the Golan Liberation Brigade," al-Moussavi said on Wednesday.
Noting that the Golan Liberation Brigade is made up of highly-equipped and well-trained special forces, he said, "If the Syrian government requests, we are ready to take action to liberate Golan."
Israel occupied the Golan Heights in the 1967 Six-Day War with Syria and annexed the territory in 1981. The international community has not recognized the Israeli annexation.
In relevant remarks in February, Sheikh Akram al-Ka'abi, the leader of Hezbollah al-Nujaba, had underlined his forces' preparedness to cooperate with the Syrian Army troops to liberate the Golan region occupied by Israeli forces.
Al-Ka'abi said that the ISIL terrorist group is implementing an Israeli-initiated road map under the supervision of the US with the cooperation of Turkey and Arab states of the Persian Gulf in the region.
"And our presence in Syria is aimed at resisting against this plot," Ka'abi underscored.
He further underlined Iraqi al-Nujaba movement's full readiness to take part in a war to liberate Israeli-occupied Golan Heights shoulder to shoulder with the Syrian Army soldiers.