RNA - “As indeed Iran’s Supreme Leader (Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei) has repeatedly pointed out, we need to look to Palestinians for the solution and we need to support Palestinians and the Palestinian right to armed resistance,” Grossman told Press TV on Wednesday.
“If armed resistance was good enough for the French and the Greeks in World War II to oppose their Nazi occupiers, if it was good enough to be celebrated as a heroic cause in World War II, then, the same holds true today for Palestinians being occupied by these European squatters and essentially being decimated through a low level long-run policy of genocide,” he argued.
On Wednesday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid bin Ra’ad al-Hussein criticized the Israeli regime for its inhuman and illegal activities against the Palestinian people and its blockade on the Gaza Strip.
Pointing to the problems that the Palestinian people have been facing since occupation of their lands in 1948, the analyst noted, “We need to remember that the Palestinian cause is not a human rights cause, it is a territorial cause.”
The commentator warned, “Undoubtedly the occupation is contrary to international law, undoubtedly ever increasing amounts of squatter camps ... violates international law, but when we continue to harp on international law on human rights, it really detracts from the nature of the problem.
“Palestinians do not have a human rights issue, the occupation does and by allowing this narrative to suddenly shift the emphasis from the territorial cause to complain about human rights abuses,” some people are trying to belittle their cause, Grossman said.