Service :
06 March 2017 - 22:04
News ID: 427938
Rasa - Officials of the Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) say the Daesh offensive in the country’s north has left nearly 3,000 children from the Izadi minority group without parents.

RNA - A human rights activist believes that the barbarity of the Daesh campaign has been very evident, adding that their atrocities against Izadi children are "very deplorable."  


“I think there needs to be some sort of world [public] opinion mobilized against them in a judicial way. I think any commission of inquiry into Daesh atrocities, which is absolutely needed, should take into account the role of Saudi Arabia and the United States, because Daesh could not have come to prominence in Iraq without the support of the United States,” William Spring told Press TV in an interview on Monday.  


He noted that when President Donald Trump talks about wanting to destroy Daesh, he should bear in mind that it was the US government and “its military auxiliaries” that created this terrorist group in the first place.


The activist further stated that it was about time that a “definite policy” was made to bring to account the people in Washington, who are responsible for the rise of Daesh.


“Daesh did not just come out of a vacuum. Daesh came out of the failure of the Americans to conduct a proper campaign in Iraq when they invaded Iraq and they are to be blamed for this,” he said in conclusion.


Tags: Daesh Syria Iraq
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