RNA - On this day, Trump has turned his incendiary anti-Muslim, populist agenda over to the hands of professional war criminals and full-on military butchers at the Pentagon, where policy aspirations are ground up into imperialist atrocity. Although the specifics are yet to be released, Trump has pledged to expand the military. All this while the US already has a military bigger than the next 15 countries combined. Curiously enough, Trump’s welcome plans to escalate the ongoing War on Islam and to inject hundreds of billions of dollars more into military spending on the pretext of fighting terror have already been declared “theater” by the international civil society.
The president, who stands atop a giant nuclear stockpile with the capacity to blow the world up many times over, says the idea is “to start winning wars again. We never win.” This without even referring to any purportedly legitimate war aims or justifications in places like Syria and Yemen. However, that hasn’t stopped the Pentagon regime from quietly deploying special forces units across the Middle East, particularly in Syria and Yemen, and in several nations around Northern Africa, moves seen as a prelude to an escalation in the War on Islam.
The Pentagon regime says the Trump Administration is more interested in using special operations’ forces, and that they are particularly interested in attacking Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIL in Syria (America’s own creations), claiming the lack of functioning governments there justifies more US military operations. Troops around the horn of Africa and elsewhere across the continent’s north are also being deployed, and it’s already clear what they are going to end up doing: The deployed troops will continue to do what their predecessors have been doing for years: Butchering civilian populations and unravelling nation states – what Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman’s famously designated “unworthy victims.”
This is an American thing: The US accounts for nearly 40 percent of the world’s military spending and maintains more than 800 bases across more than 80 sovereign nations. There will be no serious concern and mourning for civilians killed by the Trumpsters. For the war criminals, those “collateral damage” dead are mere “bug-splat (an actual Pentagon term for civilian casualties in the invasion of Iraq) on the windows of the great rolling American liberty Humvee” of endless wars, mass murders, and destructions.
This is an American way: In collaboration with Israelis, Saudis and the mere extras, the Pentagon regime is deliberately unraveling Iraq, Syria and Yemen; supporting the growth of terror outfits; coordinating closely with proxies in the new military action, including providing intelligence and logistical support; saving Saudi oil and protecting Israel; tying to reinstate puppet regimes; not limiting the war to the targeted nations; igniting regional instability; and bringing other nations directly into the escalating conflicts - with disastrous consequences for themselves, of course.
Nor is that all: The Trumpsters have banned Muslims from travelling to the United States – even though a new leaked Department of Homeland Security (DHS) analysis essentially shreds their rationale for banning travel from seven Muslim nations. True, the travel ban was subsequently and roundly rejected by the US court system, but the White House has repeatedly sworn that a replacement plan is in the works. This latest leak follows the release of another DHS analysis that has similarly undermined the Trump administration's claim that people traveling from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, and Somalia pose a severe threat to the United States.
In light of this increased militarism and anti-Muslim agenda, the people of Iraq, Syria, Yemen and the broader region have every right to resist and despise the American aggressors with all their might. Their elected governments are also at work. People are the ones that will determine their own fate – not career war criminals and certainly not full-on military butchers.
The fools on the Hill are free to claim otherwise. They can “build a military bigger and stronger than ever before.” They can even reinvent language to call the new military operations “a broader war on ISIL and Al-Qaeda”. But they are wrong to assume they can win what is in fact a War on Islam. Things will go off as planned, and those with the most military might shall not prevail. This is not part of the alternative-fact universe Trump loves to critique. This is precisely what many Muslims have been waiting to see. The vanquished American Empire of Chaos.