RNA - The ethnic group set big hopes on support of the global powers but when it comes to practice, no regional or international power backs Kurds independence bid. The only entity that suspiciously pursues the Kurdistan independence and very seriously backs the Kurds in their independence-seeking struggles is the Israeli regime.
Some highlights will follow, shedding light on the real and behind-the-scenes intentions of Tel Aviv in relation to its advocacy of independence of Iraq’s Kurdistan region.
1- The Israeli regime since its foundation in 1948 has been suffering from an illegitimacy crisis because of its location in the heart of the Muslim and Arab world. It has resorted to many pathways to work out a settlement for the challenge. The Israeli leaders offered economic, military, and agricultural aids to the smaller and weaker states in their vicinity and even beyond to allure them to hold diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv in a bid to step out of restricting isolation it felt since its declaration of existence. Tel Aviv put a premium on this strategy. The same Israeli ends were also true when it came to endorsement of the Kurdish independence and efforts to establish diplomatic ties with an independent Kurdish state.
2. Still another reason behind this support of the Israelis for the Kurds is an interest in precluding rise of a political and military power in the Levant region that can challenge Tel Aviv militarily. Iraq under the rule of Saddam Hussein largely presented a state with capability of building new balance just against that favored by the Israeli regime, particularly militarily. It, additionally, posed threats to the Israeli regime several times. Therefore resurface of a strong country with challenging potentials in the region is by no mean in interest of Tel Aviv. In fact, the best interest of the Israelis lies in a weak future Iraq. Partition of Iraq will contribute to this Israeli end.
3. An independent Kurdistan can at the same time build up pressures on both Iran and Syria, the staunch rivals of the Israeli regime. This will also raise the hackles of Turkey and prevent a powerful Iraq to emerge out of the current chaos and war. An independent state of Kurdistan, for being non-Arab and stable, will perfectly befit Tel Aviv’s interests. These features can push Erbil to stand as bone in the throat of the Arab governments.
4. Geostrategically, the northern Iraq is an extraordinarily sensitive region. Iraq is the heart of the Arab Middle East and northern Iraq is consequently part of this significance. Considerable oil reserves, zero water problems, and bordering Iran, Turkey, and Syria are seen as Iraq’s most crucial geopolitical advantages. Any possible Israeli presence in such a strategic area will bring about specific privileges for Tel Aviv. It actually outmatches the trivial Israeli presence in Turkey.
5. Any heightened sectarian struggles in the Levant will best serve the Israeli profit and security. Once an independent Kurdish state comes to existence, the sectarian and religious conflict will spread wider. The outcome is that the lasting Arab-Israeli struggle will cease being a priority for the Arab world.
6. History has proved that newly-established and weak states show a stronger keenness for closeness to Tel Aviv for its supports. The potential Kurdish state will very likely be no exception. Such a state that will take an Arab opposition upon its independence will stand ally to the Arabs' key enemy, the Israeli regime.
According to Alwaght News website, in general, Tel Aviv seeks own long-term interests behind supporting Kurdish state establishment, and it cannot simply quit its benefits in this case. However, Tel Aviv knows that it can secure its interests only if this process is worth pursuing. This is while the ground is not well prepared for the Israelis to do so in the present circumstances.