RNA - One of his prominent campaign promises was to combat terrorism and he was quoted last August as saying, that war on terror "requires a two-pronged approach: keep terrorists from coming to the U.S., and kill them where they live." His so-called war on terror has had a false start by banning citizens of Muslim countries who have never committed terrorists acts in US or if they have they are negligible compared to those left out. The double standard approach by Trump led to a controversial decision last week whereby citizens of seven Muslim majority countries namely Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia were banned from entering the US. This move was taken in line with Trump's two-pronged approach in the war on terror. However, the problem here is that the deadliest terrorists acts in US solid were never carried out by citizens of these seven countries, but rather but citizens of countries left out in the list.
Double standards in war on terror
Talk of double standards and here you have a classic example. For a start, The September 2001 attacks were carried out by 19 men—from Saudi Arabia (15), the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt (1), and Lebanon (1). This incident shook the world and has shaped how Americans view terrorism. In his executive order, Trump mentions 9/11 as a leading example of the US visa process catastrophically breaking down. But his order is totally misleading as citizens of the countries targeted were not involved in 9/11. Even looking at the most recent terrorists attacks in the US such as the December 2015 the San Bernardino attack, the alleged perpetrator Tashfeen Malik, was born in Pakistan but lived in Saudi Arabia most of her life and is considered as originating from Saudi Arabia. The other attacker was a US citizen and son of Pakistani immigrants.
Meanwhile, the June 2016 Orlando nightclub attack was carried out by a US citizen and son of Afghan immigrants. Elsewhere, ISIS Takfiri terrorist group in Syria and Iraq has attracted thousands of militants from Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt. All these countries which harbor terrorists have not been included in Trump’s controversial ban. The Saudi regime itself supports ISIS terrorists in the region while another US ally, the Israeli regime, has openly bragged of supporting ISIS. Trump has not only barred citizens of these terrorist producing and supporting regime but has pledged more military support to continue propping them up.
Trump, Saudi King hold talks
On Sunday, Donald Trump spoke for one hour with the monarch of the Saudi regime which is the ideological and financial center of Takfiri terrorists spreading mayhem across the globe. The new US president has pledged to continue sales of deadly weapons to the Saudi regime which continues to massacre innocent Yemenis in an ongoing illegal and brutal war against the impoverished Arab state. He has also taken steps to improve ties with the Israeli regime which is the worlds leading state sponsor of terrorism. Not only that, Trump has also reiterated that he will move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to occupied Quds (Jerusalem) in total violation and contravention of international laws and conventions.
Trump fires independent attorney general
In an unprecedented move Trump fired attorney general Sally Yates – who was shown the door after questioning whether the controversial Muslim ban is legal, and refusing to defend it in court. Legal experts say the president is not supposed to dictate to the attorney general how to interpret the law. Trump's decision violated the independence of the Justice Department and implies the rule of law will be disregarded in his administration.
US state sponsored terrorism
The US claims to be at the forefront of combating terrorism while it carries out acts of state sponsored terrorism across the globe. US killer squads are roaming around Syria and Yemen on secret operations carrying killings without permission of governments of those countries. Meanwhile, US terror drones carry out illegal attacks in Muslims countries especially Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia killing many innocent civilians on the pretext of targeting terrorists. These US drone strikes are classified as illegal by the UN agencies.
Trump has shown signs he will aggressively use US killing machines in renewed onslaught against Muslims and the banning citizens of seven Muslims countries in fact sets the ball rolling for implementation of an aggressive policy against these countries while the main sponsors and backers of terrorism are embraced by Washington.