RNA - The Syrian army killed and wounded scores of terrorists in the Northern territories of Damascus province.
The Syrian army also inflicted heavy losses on the terrorist groups in other key regions across Syria.
Syrian Army troops stormed ISIL's positions in a key village to the East of the town of al-Dhamir, pushing the terrorists back from the village after several hours of non-stop clashes and foiling their attacks on airports in Northern Damascus.
The army men carried out a preemptive offensive against ISIL in the village of Um al-Raman from the direction of al-Badiyeh cement factory to the Southeast of al-Dhamir and engaged in heavy clashes with the terrorist, taking the village at the end of clashes.
ISIL suffered a heavy death toll in the attack and pulled back the remaining pockets of its forces from the battlefield.
Deir Ezzur
Syrian Army troops and Air Force intensified their assaults on ISIL's defense lines and movements in the Southern outskirts of Deir Ezzur city to end the terrorists' siege on government forces in the city's military airport.
The army's artillery and missile units targeted heavily ISIL's gatherings and movements near al-Thardah mountain in the Southern countryside of Deir Ezzur, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their vehicles.
The warplanes meantime carried out a number of combat sorties over ISIL's concentration centers and movements in the region of al-Omal and near the region of al-Maqaber (cemetery), destroying several vehicles and killing a number of militants.
The air raids were aimed at weakening ISIL's defense lines along the road connecting Deir Ezzur to the city's airbase that is under terrorists' siege.
The army units also engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL near the village of Tabiyeh Jazeereh to the North of Deir Ezzur, leaving a number of terrorists dead, including Kuwaiti and Iraqi ones.
One of the high-ranking Emirs of ISIL with very close relations with Chief of the terrorist group Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed along with a number of his comrades in Syrian airstrikes in the Eastern parts of Aleppo province.
Syrian warplanes targeted ISIL's positions in Qasr al-Baraj region in the countryside of the town of al-Bab and damaged a base of the terrorists, killing at least 11 militants, including al-Muthana al-Hajj.
Al-Muthana al-Hajj also known as al-Muthana al-Haras was the emir of Jeish al-Khlifeh (the army of Caliph).
Jeish al-Khalifeh is considered as the Special Forces of the ISIL and is under the direct command of Baghdadi.
Emir of Jeish al-Khalifeh was one of the most trusted members of the group and a hail-fellow of ISIL's chief.
Syrian Army troops stormed ISIL's defense lines in Eastern Homs and managed to push the terrorists back from more key heights with the aerial back up of the country's Air Force.
The army soldiers engaged in an intense battle with ISIL and took full control of the entire hills in the surrounding areas of Katibeh al-Mahjoureh, killing and wounding tens of terrorists.
Army reports said the warplanes played a crucial role in the army's advances in Katibieh al-Mahjoureh.
The army men also engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL in al-Mashtal region towards Qasr al-Hayer al-Qarbi in Southeastern Homs and repelled their attack.
ISIL suffered a heavy death toll in the clashes and pulled back the remaining pockets of its forces from the battlefield.
The army aircraft meantime carried out several combat flights over the gatherings and movements of ISIL in al-Bayarat region to the East of the Fourth Station, killing over 17 terrorists and destroying six military vehicles.
Meantime, the Syrian Army troops continued their large-scale offensives against ISIL's positions in Eastern Homs and managed to tack back a number of heights in al-Tayas chain of mountains, inflicting major losses on the terrorists.
The army men stormed ISIL's concentration centers and positions to the Northeast of T4 airbase and drove ISIL out of the rest of the terrorist-held heights in al-Tayas chain of mountains, winning full control over the mountains.
The army soldiers could also advance against ISIL and won back several positons near the strategic crossroad of Jahar, killing several terrorists and destroying their vehicles.
Syrian Army troops fended off an offensive of Al-Nusra Front (recently renamed to Fatah al-Sham Front) in the Southern province of Quneitra, killing 30 terrorists and wounding several more.
Tens of terrorists from al-Nusra Front and other affiliated groups deployed in the town of Um al-Bateneh stormed government forces' positons in the town of al-Samdaniyeh al-Sharqi town near the town of Khan Arnabeh but the army repelled their attack, killing at least 30 militants.
A field source said that the terrorist intended to prevail over the army positions in al-Samdaniyeh and then advanced towards khan Arnabeh near the occupied Golan Heights and capture it.
The source further added that the militants had planned to capture more lands to pave the ground for the easier moves by Israel in the region to supply terrorist groups with more equipment.