RNA - "We don’t spare any efforts to help you," Velayati said in a meeting with a number of Iraqi Izadi parliamentarians and elites in Tehran on Tuesday.
He hailed Izadi fighters' cooperation with Hashd al-Sha'abi (Iraqi popular forces) in the anti-ISIL campaign, and said, "It is an admirable job because Hashd al-Sha'abi is highly serious about campaign against the ISIL and Iraq's enemies."
Velayati stressed his country's emphasis on the integrity of Iraq and preventing its disintegration, and said, "We support Iraq's territorial integrity."
In relevant remarks in November, Velayati blasted the US and other states' attempts to create rift among Iraq's Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish population, and said Tehran would stand against those who plot to disintegrate Iraq.
"The three groups of Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis have been living in Iraq for years and centuries and this is while the chief of staff of the US army once said that Iraq should be separated in three parts," Velayati said in a meeting with a French official in Tehran.
"We are fully opposed to this and stand against such harmful measures to the region and any foreign side who wants to pursue disintegration policies in the regional countries will face Iran's opposition in words and in practice," he added.
Velayati said in addition to fight against the terrorists who want to find control over the neighboring state, another reason of Iran's advisory military role in Iraq is fighting against the plots to disintegrate the country.