RNA - During his Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday, “Mad Dog” Mattis said the United States needs to forge a strategy to “checkmate Iran’s goal for regional hegemony,” adding that "Iran is the biggest destabilizing force in the Middle East and its policies are contrary to our interests.”
Once again, Mathis - just like the outgoing international crooks at the White House - failed to offer any evidence to support his baseless allegations. He was unable to substantiate as to why Iran’s regional policies are destabilizing. Instead, he mostly focussed on Iran's lawful support for the Regional Resistance Front as well as involvement in the war against ISIL and Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria, which he rightly said are contrary to US interests.
Lest he forgets, the Military Industrial Complex is still being consistently propped up by the concept of American exceptionalism, shadow wars, massive surveillance and untold numbers of assassinations. These bullets and beliefs make the United States the biggest war criminal, the biggest international crook, and the biggest threat to global peace and security.
Undoubtedly, much of the violence in the region can be linked back to US imperial adventures as well. The rise of ISIL in Iraq has been traced to the US war in the country. At every turn, the terrorist group’s rise has been shaped by the United States’ involvement in Iraq.
Worse still, roughly 450,000 people have been killed as a result of the violence and infrastructure damage of the US-led war on Syria. The US is number one in its nuclear weapons stockpile. The US leads the world in military spending, with more than $7.6 trillion spent on the military and homeland security since 9/11. Still, the warmongers have the face to throw everything at Iran, including the kitchen sink, for what they themselves have done to the world!
Nor is that all. As previously, Washington’s torture, war crimes, and Military-Industrial Complex will continue to be consistently propped up by the new Trump administration. The latest anti-Iran allegations by Mattis had one purpose only: to convince the world that Iran and its regional policies pose a dire threat. The US Congress certainly agrees with the “Mad Dog.” But not the rest of the world.
The international civil society thinks Iran has a right to defend its allies in Iraq and Syria against foreign-backed terrorist groups. More importantly, many people around the world believe it is the US which poses the greatest threat to global peace and security. These beliefs are an important window into how the rest of the world views US foreign policy - a view in stark contrast to how politicians like Mattis think of themselves.
As is, the failed war on Syria marked the beginning of the end for US superpower status. Since 2001, the US government has meddled, intervened, overthrown and/or invaded the governments of several Muslim countries. US actions have created an arc of violence and chaos stretching from Afghanistan to Egypt and beyond.
No wonder when Mattis and his congressional allies crow that Iran is the biggest destabilizing force in the Middle East, the rest of the world snickers. The world will continue to see the US as a dire threat as long as it continues its aggressive interventionism in the Muslim world.